HUDs or Cockpits

General discussion for players of Oolite.

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HUDs or Cockpits?

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Killer Wolf
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HUDs or Cockpits

Post by Killer Wolf »

any preference? i'm thinking of doing more stuff like this, if it's of any interest to people. being a confirmed Wing Commander fan, i like cockpits as much as HUDs. there's an issue of restricted views in some cases, but i think this adds to the atmosphere.
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Post by Lestradae »

I'd say both, why not? Anyone their own and the most for me.

Then, this can already be done, can't it? Make a HUD that covers the screen appropriately - and with dynamically switching HUDs available now, perhaps create a different HUD for all four views. And a no-HUD for the outside perspective.
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Post by another_commander »

HUDs. I have always thought that cockpits don't cut it for immersion, which is why I loved Freespace 2 when it came out and why I loved Oolite with its HUD instrumentation layout (as opposed to the separate panel-like thingy of the original Elite versions). Note also, that unless you can show light changes on the cockpit as the ship changes position, it will generally look like a cardboard overlay. A 2D cockpit will simply not be enough.
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Post by maik »

another_commander wrote:
HUDs. I have always thought that cockpits don't cut it for immersion, which is why I loved Freespace 2 when it came out and why I loved Oolite with its HUD instrumentation layout (as opposed to the separate panel-like thingy of the original Elite versions). Note also, that unless you can show light changes on the cockpit as the ship changes position, it will generally look like a cardboard overlay. A 2D cockpit will simply not be enough.
+1, also because of the lighting and the view obstruction
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Post by Dave McRoss »

HUD. The term remebered me a lot of nice hours spent playing flight simulators :)
Also, I like the old CGA-feeling of instrumentation.
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Post by Cody »

I’m not a fan of the standard type of hud… I liked the instrument panel in original Elite, and a cockpit style would appeal to me, but a_c is correct when he says it would look like a cardboard cut-out, unless the lighting could somehow be done in the right way, and that it would need to be 3D. Given that, I don’t think that a cockpit style would affect immersion. I use the Fighter Hud, which is a good compromise, as it gives me an uncluttered screen and the impression of an instrument panel… if only I could ‘opaque’ the scanner.
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Post by Cmdr Wyvern »

Because what's the point of the many wonders of this beautiful Ooniverse, if you can't see it?
A well made HUD gives all the needed information, without obstructive clutter.
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Post by Smivs »

Cmdr Wyvern wrote:
A well made HUD gives all the needed information, without obstructive clutter.
Which is why, despite a plethora of beautiful alternatives, I stick with the original. It's clear, well laid-out and un-obtrusive.
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Post by ClymAngus »

I choose the third way. Software that poles the variables in oolite to create an off screen stats readout. Which are then sent to a separate monitor situated in the central console of your ship.
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Re: HUDs or Cockpits

Post by caracal »

Killer Wolf wrote:
any preference? i'm thinking of doing more stuff like this, if it's of any interest to people. being a confirmed Wing Commander fan, i like cockpits as much as HUDs. there's an issue of restricted views in some cases, but i think this adds to the atmosphere.
My wee nook here in my office is my "cockpit". The screen of my comp is my viewscreen onto the ooniverse. I want more of the ooniverse on my screen, not less, so HUD for me. Now ClymAngus has a point, a second screen would totally rock, but I'd still want maximum dynamic stuff on it, too, not some static overlay that looked pretty in some artist's loft.

That's why I favor the old-style MilHud--it clings to the edges and doesn't cover up my view. I wish it would go away entirely when I'm docked, though, because in those cases I think of myself as looking at the station's screens, not my ship's. Maybe have it (partially) reappear on certain screens, like show me my missiles on F3 and whatnot. But now I'm straying into feature requests, so nuffa dat!
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Re: HUDs or Cockpits

Post by Cmdr Wyvern »

caracal wrote:
That's why I favor the old-style MilHud--it clings to the edges and doesn't cover up my view. I wish it would go away entirely when I'm docked, though, because in those cases I think of myself as looking at the station's screens, not my ship's. Maybe have it (partially) reappear on certain screens, like show me my missiles on F3 and whatnot. But now I'm straying into feature requests, so nuffa dat!
Have you tried the switching version? With that one, most of the instruments shut down when you dock, leaving only the missile monitor and clock - and a clear view of station screens.
Exactly what you're ordering here. :)
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Post by Ganelon »

I'd vote "#4- something else" on this, since I'm with ClymAngus on this topic. I'd like to have less on the "main viewscreen" so I can see more Ooniverse, and have most of the data usually shown on the HUD moved off to one or more other machines/screens.

At present, I use a "cockpit" style display, FigherHUD, but I wish the "panel" was opaque and the graphics of the "buttons" and etc were less blurry.

Under "really neat" ideas for cockpit style displays would be if someone eventually comes up with maybe a "shader" version or whatever of a cockpit that could react to light in the game as the ship moves and turns. The light and shadows on it would shift as you move in relation to the light sources in the game. The illusion could be really effective, especially when playing in near dark.
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Post by Commander McLane »

HUDs, no question about it.
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Re: HUDs or Cockpits

Post by caracal »

Cmdr Wyvern wrote:
caracal wrote:
That's why I favor the old-style MilHud--it clings to the edges and doesn't cover up my view. I wish it would go away entirely when I'm docked, though, because in those cases I think of myself as looking at the station's screens, not my ship's. Maybe have it (partially) reappear on certain screens, like show me my missiles on F3 and whatnot. But now I'm straying into feature requests, so nuffa dat!
Have you tried the switching version? With that one, most of the instruments shut down when you dock, leaving only the missile monitor and clock - and a clear view of station screens.
Exactly what you're ordering here. :)
Welllllllllll ...... [scuffs toe] ...... oooooo-kay. :roll: But I'm old! And resistant to change!! And I'm really very attached to my (your) HUD, and ...

All right, I was reluctant to try it when it first came out, because there were all these other new switching HUDs flying about, and your verbal description didn't reassure me that I wouldn't lose ... that special feeling. Encouraged by your latest post, though, I just now tried it.

All right, I admit: It's better. A lot better, in fact.

I love the way the whole scanner outline switches to green when I'm no longer mass-locked; really peps up the transition when I'm injecting past a fuel tanker or whatnot. And of course I love how it switches off inside the station. I did miss my fuel gauge there for a few seconds, but I got over it. (I could tell at a glance: Fueled up, check ... destination set, check. But I usually re-check those on the separate screens anyway, so no great loss.) And I love how it's the same layout, and when I'm, um, sorta busy (that is, in combat) it switches to the same MilHUD I've gotten addicted to.

I did make three changes, two for personal taste and a third you might wish to consider adding to the distributed version:
  • I toned down the rather aggressive yellow of the yellow-alert mode. It was burning my whiskers.
  • I removed the yellowbox and redcross components of the gunsight graphics, using your conveniently documented "set alpha to zero" technique. I'd done that with v3.1 too. I like the dot, and only the dot.
  • I added this bit to script.js:

    Code: Select all

    this.startUp = function ()
       player.ship.hud = "milhuddock.plist"; // set the docked HUD
    Because when you start up, you're always kinda, you know, docked. At first I was afraid it wasn't working right on my machine, but the next time I docked it switched just fine. This just covers that one-time occasion immediately after you start the game.
So all things considered, great job Commander Wyvern! And thanks for the nudge I needed to actually try it! :D
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