Okay, so I started playing with Planettool. Let me start by saying - THANK YOU! I like this thing. Just need someone to either add a Windows GUI to it, or turn it into a Photoshop plug-in (preferred). I got a co-worker who may do it for me.
As for my question-
I understand WHAT the 'Size' arguement does. But I'm unsure how to draw general relationships between it and my usual LatLong map sizes. So, can someone give me the cube-map 'size' equivalent for the following latlong sizes?
LatLong =========== Cube Size
256 x 128 ========= ?
512 x 256 ========= ?
1024 x 512 ========= ?
2048 x 1024 ========= ?
4096 x 2048 ========= ?
8192 x 4096 ========= ?
It can be said that a six-tile cube map corresponds to eight tiles of lat/long map. A 1024 × 512 lat/long map can notionally be divided into eight 256 × 256 tiles, and a 256 × 256 × 6 cube map will effectively have the same amount of detail.
On the other hand, the scaling and distortion inevitably loses some detail, so for a size 256 cube map it would be better to start with a 2048 × 1024 lat/long map (or, for that matter, some intermediate size, like 1500 × 750; planettool doesn’t care about power-of-two sizes).