After a long time playing, I've only today just seen Rebecca Weston within the game. This was her opening gambit (click for bigger picture):
And here is what she was flying (does this change for other people?)
Note my altitude - that's how close I was to the Tianave pulsar! Only after I was finished bobbing and weaving along with Rebecca, and swung away to continue on my journey, did I realise how close I was to smashing into it. And have a look at what I saw on the news channel just two days afterward (click for bigger picture):
No wonder she was flying so close to that pulsar - she had started early on the Anlian Gins methinks!
After a long time playing, I've only today just seen Rebecca Weston within the game. This was her opening gambit (click for bigger picture):
But the sky is awful unrealistic. Its caused by a incompatibility with system redux and was very likely never intended to be so colourful by the author. I saw this effect before with Inonics.oxp. One oxp is increasing the size of the clusters, while the other oxp is increasing the number of the clusters. Both alone give a good, more colourful result but, with both together you get to much colour and on many computers the fps count drops drastic on drawing this sky.
Hint for drew: Also add a blur count to the planetInfo.plist with a default value for the count in the pulsar.oxp. That way systemRedux will no longer interfere and the system looks again as intended. (It worked well for Inonics.oxp so you might look there)
@DaddyHoggy: Yes, the'ye funny to read through. I naturally start to get very serious when I play sci-fi games, and the irreverent style of the news updates always lightens the mood.
@JazHaz: Goos idea. Rebecca will only recognise she has a problem with the Anlian Gins when she can no longer keep it secret.
@Eric Walch: Yes, I always wondered why it was so colourful. At first it wowed me, and I just put it down to the special nature of the system.
Hint for drew: Also add a blur count to the planetInfo.plist with a default value for the count in the pulsar.oxp. That way systemRedux will no longer interfere and the system looks again as intended. (It worked well for Inonics.oxp so you might look there)
I was with you all the way up to 'Also'.
<vaguely plausible>I figured the extreme nebulosity was down to the remains of the star's atmosphere being blown off into space after it became a pulsar. Tianve was once a double star system.</vaguely plausible>
Snoopers was fun. Must write a few more of those.
As for Rebecca, I disclaim all responsibilities for her, real, imagined, fictional or non-corporally lurking around on the forum. <looks nervously over shoulder>
Ah, so it's not that "Drew is dead" - but "A Drew is dead" (or at least a quasi-dimensional existence potential has dropped to close to zero)
Thats what he thinks!
ps. watch out for the other rebecca!!! she shoots first and asks questions later in my experience!!! Totally different from me, who shoots first and then asks... hmmmmm
Becca the Hermit Slayer, and part-time unpredictable avatar assassin.
From what I've read of the young lady I doubt she will go to such extreme lengths to assassinate every quantum split of Drew in existence. It would make for a very dull and predictable publication.