Where is Captain Carruthers?

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Where is Captain Carruthers?

Post by willdonaldson »

Hello all,

Am sitting docked at Gebiisso. I am meant to meet Capt Carruthers in the officer's mess here. I'm guessing that this is the Nova mission, but the bugger hasn't appeared.

(a) Is there another place to dock and meet him?
(b) Is this a clash with an OXP?

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Post by Disembodied »

Hi Will, welcome to the boards! Friendliest forum this side of Riedquat, and a two-drink minimum ...

I don't think this is the Nova mission. I think Captain Carruthers only appears for the Constrictor mission and the Thargoid Plans mission (unless someone has conscripted him into an OXP mission, too). Are you in Galaxy 3?

Edit: I did the sensible thing and looked up Gebiisso, which is as you know in Galaxy 4 – so it's not the Thargoid Plans mission. I don't think it can be the Nova mission, though: as far as I remember that's pretty obvious, with weird purple starlight and a great big fuel leak and nobody sitting around in messhalls for a chat. Maybe Captain Carruthers has been conscripted, after all. What OXPs are you running?
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Carruthers AWOL

Post by willdonaldson »

Thanks. I'm running quite a few...

Aquatics 2.11.oxp
behemoth 2.5.4.oxp
BigShips 1.02.oxp
Cargo_wrecks_teaser 1.6.0.oxp
Energy Equipment 1.04.oxp
lovecats 1.2.1.oxp
military Fiasco 2.4.4.oxp
Missile Analyser 1.1.1.oxp
Missiles and Bombs v2.4.oxp
PlanetFall 1.23.oxp
thargoid_wars 4.4.oxp
The Feudal States v1.5.oxp
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Post by Uncle Reno »

Doesn't Capt Carruthers start the Constrictor mission? :?
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Post by maik »

Didn't he appear in military fiasco? Mmmh, I played too many missions...
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Post by Disembodied »

After a bit of digging in some missiontext.plists I've found Captain Curruthers lurking inside the Lovecats OXP. This isn't a Mac-specific issue: maybe a kindly mod could move it to Expansion Packs where clever types like Eric could take a look at it?
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Post by Eric Walch »

Disembodied wrote:
After a bit of digging in some missiontext.plists I've found Captain Curruthers lurking inside the Lovecats OXP.
Love Cats wrote:
Greetings Commander,
I am Captain Curruthers of Her Majesty's Space Navy. You have done sterling work for us in the past, and I was wondering if you would be interested another mission, this time of a more private nature. Meet me for a quiet word at the officer's mess on Gebiisso.
Disembodied wrote:
This isn't a Mac-specific issue: maybe a kindly mod could move it to Expansion Packs where clever types like Eric could take a look at it?
I work on a mac since the Mac plus, so I follow this.

Looking into the code I see there should have been a message at Gebiisso. No idea what happened. Maybe a clash with something else making you unknowingly doing a selection. Maybe you can open your save file with the mac "Texteditor" and search for the string "mission_wedding". It would be interesting to see what stage you are in or even accidentally ended the mission here by declining it. If it still has STAGE199 than simple launching and re-docking should bring the message back when working with one of the current versions of this oxp.
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Post by ClymAngus »

is that a space borne version of where's wally/waldo?
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Re: Where is Captain Carruthers?

Post by jadenrayn »

nm last post. i found many threads on it. ty gents.
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