In other words, apologies if I say something really dumb.
Commander McLane mentioned forking OE as a stand-alone project. Even before he posted that, I've been of the idea that such a fork could represent an excellent win-win. And one that could avoid many licence related problems. Please bear with me for a minute.
The Oolite project is all about reinterpreting Elite, a game entirely focused on the activities of a cobra mk3, a good all-round average-ish ship.
As such, uber ships - and massive fleets - are meant to be the exception rather than the rule.
After all - in Elite - the cobbie is meant to be the best (and only) ship to have, full stop.
OE - amongst other things - presents the player with a much more crowded universe, with many ships more powerful than a cobra almost everywhere. Using OE, having a cobra doesn't offer the same relative strengths as in vanilla Oolite, and most player find plenty of incentives to use different ships than the cobbie.
Quite a lot of open source projects have forked in the past, and many more will do so in the future, for what many people would consider entirely trivial matters. For example, GNUzilla IceCat split from Mozilla Firefox mainly because the firefox logo is trademarked (while still freely distributable, and acceptable to the majority of open source distributions, the logo cannot be altered without infringing Mozilla's trademark).
In my mind, the different emphases in Oolite and OE make them almost two different projects already. Oolite is focused more on the independent trader, while OE pushes the gameplay in different directions, with uber ships, player controlled stations, etc.
Another open source example that springs to mind is the mySQL & Postgres projects. While their codebase is completely different, they are both SQL engines, and they're both doing very well.
Why? Most people seem to agree that's because they are focusing on different SQL engine needs.
While mySQL is relatively lightweight, and used for smaller projects, it doesn't scale as well as Postgres, making Postgres the better choice for big databases.
A lot of the not-so-Riedquat-friendly comments might well be a result of the contrasting gaming styles: if you want something as streamlined as possible, you don't want to add stuff you're only going to use once in a very long while. By the same token, if you want to have all possibilities open to you, missing out on 1 out of - say - 250 oxps is already less than desirable, never mind missing out 20 or even 50 oxps.
With that in mind, I do think that OE as a stand alone project - including its own exe - would make a lot of sense.
As well as having an executable with all the 'experimental' features that Oolite definitely won't include this side of the MNSR, a future stand alone OE project can have all the properly licenced OE.oxp stuff included in Resources, making a lot of ships part of the standard OE distribution.
This leaves out the oxps for which the author never wrote an explicit licence, or that contain a no-derivatives clause. This second bunch of oxps could be all placed in a second installer that would pre-populate the AddOns directory with all the separate no-derivatives oxps!
That way OE would have two downloads (OE base + OE NDs), wich - while not ideal - compares pretty well with the original OSE.oxp idea (1 download to get Oolite, + 1 for OSE.oxp).
Lestradae's 2 years work won't be in vain, and people who either can't run or don't need all the extra ships & features as standard can still quite happily download the original Oolite instead of OE, and just add the oxps they're happy with.
In hindsight, the whole Sung saga might well have been a misunderstanding of monumental proportions, considering that in the end he's got no problems with his Oolite textures being available to the Oolite community: if I'm not too mistaken, Lestradae has been hosting them on his own box.net space on behalf of Sung for the last 6 months+, as well as including them inside OE.
If we simply agree to disagree, and a fork is a pretty official way of saying so, then we shouldn't really have any problems in the future if OE develops the way the OE team feels is best. If a fork happens, I personally don't see any problem with the idea of the OE project & Oolite.org remaining in friendly terms, & having links to each others' forums, etc...
Anyway, this is my personal opinion. I really don't quite know what your opinions are (by you I mean other devs, oxp makers, forum admins & members) but I really would like to know if what I said above does make some sense.
Lestradae, your opinion on what I just said is particularly welcome!