I love how a post like my can evolve in to a discussion about the golden ratio. This is why the Oolite community is so choice (to use the words of my people

) I have actually focused the redesign on a mathematical basis. All of the 'blocks' are made up from fixed pieces (the bottommost triangle and circle) to get a even scale, something that was missing from the original. Anyway based on the feedback so far, here is the improved Logo.
Version b.01: with the wings fixed.

The wings now look right but the
head looks like its being covered by them.
Version b.02: I've added a winged helmet inspired by the winged robot head of the original design.

I think the extra height makes the figure looks more balanced. If anyone got any alternative suggestions make a post.
Version b.03: now colourised.

The colours are provisional. This version is more about showing where the gradients are going to flow. I've gone with a base colours Aqua (#00FFFF) with a Navy (#000080) shadow tone. If anyone has any ideas for the colour choices, post your suggestions.
Version b.03 on a complex background

This is just a play with the image to show how it would work on a complex background.
Don't worry
ClymAngus I'll be uploading the source vector designs in a Inkscape/SVG/EPS zipped package. I'll be holding off uploading it till it's finalised and the command team approves the design. (Of course it will all be CC'ed and with a set of measurements and notes so that others can pick it up after me.)
As before, post what you think and I'll see what I can do.