How would you like to appear as a Cameo in OOLite?

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How would you like to appear as a Cameo in OOLite?

Post by Phrostbyte »

Okay, Giles, here it is -- fan appreciation time. We love your game; put us in it. It should be pretty easy with a wee bit of code (if you've nothing else to do). Each time you enter a system (or a Witchspace malfunction), there is a probability of running into one or more of, well, US.

Everyone join in; post relevant data to reflect your cameo in the game. I'll start first. 8)

Name: Phrostbyte
AI Attitude: Aggressively attacks Fugitives 90% Offenders 75% Clean 0%
AI Style: Fast, moves alot, shoots alot, uses tailgun, breaks off w/ afterburning spiral.
Ship: Cobra Mk III
Color/Style: Either Neon Blue (like Hatchling BoyRacer I) or beat-up rusty.
Equipment: Pretty much ALL of them, especially front and aft Military Lasers; only 2 missiles however (I have 2 Q. Mines, never use them).
Mods: +speed? Somehow a bit faster than normal?
Commo (every ship says something X seconds after appearing on Radar):
"Hey, you wanna buy some narcotics?" or "You look just like that guy I saw on 'Galaxy's Most Wanted' last night!" or At least they're not slaves....this time.(may add additional phrases).
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Mad Dan Eccles
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Post by Mad Dan Eccles »

Nice idea - like përs in EV?
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Post by goat »

Or like sci-fi authors redshirting their friends.
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Post by aegidian »

Interesting idea. First implement occasional custom 'character' vessels - then customise them to include you guys. Hmmm... /*thinks/
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Post by TGHC »

Can you put my mother-in-law in a really evil Thargoid with constricter level shields, or something that needs a huge amount of laser blasts? :wink:

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Post by Star Gazer »

Oh, yes! ....

Name: Raven

AI Attitude: Consistently attacks: Fugitives 100% Offenders 100% Clean 0%
AI Style: Fast, head-on, calculated shootist, pursues relentlessly, split-S evasive manoeuvre.
Ship: Cobra Mk III
Color/Style: Black with Crimson Lake.
Equipment: Pretty much ALL of them, front Military Lasers; 2 missiles + 2 Q. Mines (rarely use any of them).
Mods: Naval energy banks
Coms: "Repent or prepare to be vapourised!", or "You have been judged and found deserving... of death...!", or "Justice... is served."
Very funny, Scotty, now beam down my clothes...
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Post by Mad Dan Eccles »

SG's been at the laudanum again, I see.
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Post by goat »

Commander Goat. Flies a python class cruiser by preference, it handles like a sidewinder. It's painted red because red ones go faster, it stands to reason. You'll usually find him on your six, smoking heavily and casually blowing the fuck out of you for spare change. Attacks Fugitives and Offenders and, if there aren't any cops around, anyone who isn't actually a system vessel.

"You don't think I hang out in systems like this because I'm a nice person, do you?"
"I'd apologise for this, but I'm not a bit sorry."
"Twelve and a half per cent! Twelve and a half per cent!"
"You're mine ... all mine!"
"Scream all you want for the cops. I've got a Clean record."
"I'm an upstanding pillar of the community. When anyone's watching."
"Guard your love of disco, monkey poet."
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Post by RmB303 »

I really like this idea. I'll have to get a bit of cash together though for a decently kitted out ship. Also, what happens when you meet yourself in the Ooniverse? I don't want to think about that weirdness!
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Post by Flying_Circus »

Name: Flying_Circus
AI Attitude: Attacks Fugitives 100% Offenders 100% Clean 0%, with a +/- weighting depending on the number of alloys each ship yields, on destruction. Can easily be caught napping while playing with his speech synthesiser.
AI Style: Fast, holds ground, and blazes away seeking to quickly wear down enemies shields. Almost never uses rockets, but always has afull compliment.
Ship: Boa Class Cruiser
Color/Style: Infra pink lizard emblems on the nutrino cowlings.
Equipment: Everything: it adds to the ship's inherent value, you can't take it with you, and you're a long time dead.
Mods: Aft mil. laser.
Coms "Open fire, let's kill these freaks", "Dead or alive, you're coming with me", "Don't think of it so much as 'slavery' as more of a compulsory, lifelong work experience program!", "Aw... did that sting a little? Here, let me kiss it better for you!"
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Post by Jaybee »

Name: Commander Crimson
Ship: Wolf MkII
AI Attitude: Gets bored quite easily while waiting for slow ships to piss off out of scanner range. If you're a Moray Medical Boat then you are ten times more likely to get a kicking. Depending on mood then everyone is a target.
AI Style: Quick, slick dogfighting style, ramming a speciality. Energy bomb used when those irritating boy racers appear, or hoardes of GalCorps Vipers.
Ship: Boa Class Cruiser
Color/Style: Blood red.
Mods: Fwd/Aft/Port/Star military laser; naval ECM; enlarged cargo bay, etc.
Coms: "Sod this, you're space junk", "I'd rather sell you for pet food than slave", "OK, your call, but you're wasting my time asshole!"
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Post by Star Gazer »

Mad Dan Eccles wrote:
SG's been at the laudanum again, I see.
Very perceptive, Watson... :wink:
Very funny, Scotty, now beam down my clothes...
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Post by jonnycuba »

This thread is making me fiend for Oolite death match....I wonder who is the REAL Don!

Name: Cmdr.J.Cuba
AI Attitude: Mostly turning bad guys into space dandruff.
AI Style: Whatever works
Ship: Cobra Mk III
Color/Style: Stealth type matt black
Equipment: most buyable stuff still waiting for Tharg mission for Naval Energy unit.
Comms: "Say hello to my lil' friend".
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Post by winston »

Name: Cdr. Winston
Style: Random and moody. Attacks: Fugitive 33% Offender 33% Clean 33%. Usually with clean, attacks until they jetisson cargo, steals the cargo whilst everyone tries to shoot him, then uses the witch space injectors to bugger off (or hyperspaces out). Docks in a reckless manner. Many scrape marks from not quite getting in the hole right. Space station administration despair over the paint job repairs. Generally leaves police alone, but if the police attack, then he retaliates. Being fined is merely the cost of doing business.
Fighting style: Dodges more than shoots. Runs away if it looks like it's going wrong. Doesn't keep firing missiles if people have ECM!
Transmission: "Stand and deliver, your cargo or your life!"
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Post by Rxke »

Name: Rxke

AI Attitude: best described as: opportunistic
AI Style: Slowing down when attacked, let them come close and give 'em the military laser treatment.
Ship: Any big freighter, speed's not a priority
Color/Style: Black. No sugar.
Equipment: The regular, except mines and bombs.
Mods: Naval energy banks
Coms: When attacked:"Ow, you caught me napping, and I've a very bad case of the morning mood!", when attacking traders: "I know what you're thinking... They're never around when you most need them!"
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