BUT - there has always been a niggle in the back of my mind. The gameplay engine has always been about trading and exploring, but as we play the game more, the game becomes familiar, exploring doesn't mean what it did.
So what else was there?
Missions. The excitement of something new happening on a simple trade journey was unsurpassed back in the old days, and still causes a thrill today with the Oolite community missions.
Which brings me to the request. More missions! Missions are the lifeblood of Elite and Oolite, they create the interest in getting to a certain status, or going to a certain galaxy, they just increase the plain old fun in playing the game! - we all strive for Elite status, but it's not enough any more just to explore our way to it. We need to be engaged in our Ooniverse. The missions so far put out by the community are excellent in every way - this is just a plea for More!!
Don't build a new ship - we have hundreds of those!! Create a new mission instead, increase the pleasure for us that love to play the game!!
(p.s. This is not meant to denigrate those that build new ships - i love them as well..

(p.p.s I am also sure there are plenty of people out there already working on missions, or thinking 'why doesn't he do his own then?' - I await with baited breath all new missions, and personally have the programming skills of a three toed Sloth, otherwise I would be attempting my own