Oolite Wiki

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Oolite Wiki

Post by Captain Hesperus »

I've picked up some degree of competence with editing and expanding the Oolite Wiki, so I was wondering if anyone would like me to upload details of their OXP's, HUD's, Ships, Missions and so forth, if they don't have the time (or inclination) to do it themselves. I ask simply because I feel that the OoWiki is a great resource and would benefit from updating.

If anyone wants me to upload stuff, PM me details of what you want me to do (and maybe some screen-shots) and I'll send a submission back to you for evaluation.

Any takers?
<Edit> For an example of my competence, check out the Benulobiweed Inc. entry! :D

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Post by LittleBear »

Updating the Ships page would be really cool. I think though there must be about 50 ships missing from the list though so it would be a major task!
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by DaddyHoggy »

@Cap'n H - as discussed via PM - your writing "flair" should be perfect for this task - I look forward to seeing/reading and stealing many of your submissions... :wink:
Selezen wrote:
Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

@LittleBear - call me a sucker for punishment, but I like completeness :roll:

@DaddyHoggy - I might not be able to code to save my life (and my artistic talents definately don't extend to the visual arts), but as you say, my ability to write a pile of plausible nonsense is possilby my best contribution to the community.

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Post by LittleBear »


If you read past the "Big Spoiler Warning" in Assassins.oxp's readme, you'll see a full description (in stat terms) of each of the 30 odd ships added by the OXP, together with a Stage by Stage break down of everything the OXP does in plot.

Just read your Benulobiweed Inc. 8)

Could you maybe add a page to the Wikki, perhaps entitled "Oolite Powers, Orginisations and Rumers", maybe linked on the Instruction Manual page here:- http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Oolite ... ion_Manual?

If you do, I'll add some articles on:-

"The Assassins Guild"
"History of the Triads & Mafia"
"The Bank of the Black Monks"
"Origins of the Renegeds"

Maybe you should have a link here to your Benulobiweed Inc as well as the link to Roberto's Tanaris Articles.

As you say, be good to have some "Background" in one place, where new players can access it.

Maybe the Doc could be persauded to add some for his background for Commies, preachers and Your Adds on this page?
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

@LittleBear - Right On Commander! Great idea, I can get drafting a 'Background and Setting' style article and then start slotting in all the companies, orgainisations (i.e. Black Monks, Assassin's Guild, The Link, etc.) and so forth from the OXPs.

Any chance of some screenshots of ships, too? I don't have any easy way of taking good shots, unless I get some quick tuition! :roll:

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Post by LittleBear »

Quick Tutorial:-

When Oolite Loads up, say N to Load new Commander and let the ships scroll through on the Press Space or Fire Commander screen. Virtually all the OXPs show most of their ships on this screen using demoships.plist (I show 12 ships from Assassins.oxp here, but not all as some are secret! All the ships in Blackmonks and Regegades are shown). All the other OXP authors do the same. Oolite shows the ships in order of:- Giles's native ships, then OXP ships in Alphabetical Order (so you see Assassins ships as one of the first ones after the Native by virtue of A for Assassins.oxp being near the start).

Hitting Left Arrow takes you back a ship and Right takes you forward.

Hit SHIFT 8 (at the same time to take a screen grab). It'll be saved as a PNG in your Oolite Saves directory. You can then load this into Paint or other application and cut off the HUD, so you have a pic of just the ship!
Last edited by LittleBear on Sat Jan 27, 2007 7:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by LittleBear »

Heres some to start you off!

Right click to download the image:-

BattleBot Control Drone:-


BattleBot MK I:-


Deamon Class Cruiser


Scorpion Friggate:-


Armoured VIP Transport (Here shown in Zero-G Hocky Team Paint Job!)


(Grabs not to scale - obviously!)
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by TGHC »

Captain Hesperus wrote:
my ability to write a pile of plausible nonsense is possilby my best contribution to the community.
At least your is plausible, unlike mine!!!!
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Post by TGHC »

LittleBear wrote:
Quick Tutorial:-

When Oolite Loads up, say N to Load new Commander and let the ships scroll through on the Press Space or Fire Commander screen. Virtually all the OXPs show most of their ships on this screen using demoships. (I show 12 ships from Assassins.oxp here, but not all as some are secret! all the ships in Blackmonks and Regegades are shown). All the other OXP authors do the same. Oolite shows the ships in order of:- Giles's native ships, then OXP ships in Alphabetical Order (so you see Assassins ships as one of the first ones after the Native by virtue of A for Assassins.oxp being near the start).

Hitting Left Arrow takes you back a ship and Right takes you forward.

Hit SHIFT 8 (at the same time to take a screen grab). It'll be saved as a PNG in your Oolite Saves directory. You can then load this into Paint or other application and cut off the HUD, so you have a pic of just the ship!
This! should be in the Wiki too!
The Grey Haired Commander has spoken!
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Post by DaddyHoggy »

@LB - Do you know how long I've sat waiting for ships to appear in the start up page only to miss it when it finally comes round - and all I had to do is <- or ->


But now I know so.... :)
Selezen wrote:
Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
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Post by LittleBear »

You might also want to move Giles's demoships.plist out of Oolite (as well as taking out all the OXPs) so you can look at your ship alone, when testing a new ship. :wink:
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by Roberto »

My general thoughts...

I love the EliteWiki and think it would be great if more OXP creators/fiction writers added entries for their stuff. It's especially useful now that Oosat2 is kind of a bare-bones affair (I hope this changes eventually).

However (at the risk of causing offence), I think one should aim to keep descriptions consistent with the Elite/Oolite universe as a whole. For example, the Benulobiweed entry refers to, well, the Empire from Star Wars and "GalCop ground troops", neither of which are part of any Elite/Oolite universe I would recognise.

From the GalCop entry:
GalCop is practically unique amongst the interstellar agencies in that they have minimal involvement with the society of a world, solely concerning themselves with the orbital space of the planet.
I hope I'm not being too serious about this (there are some little jokey bits in my entries!) - I just wouldn't like to see lots of outlandish descriptions that don't really fit into the Elite "framework". Plus, I think there's plenty of scope for creativity within it.

Just my view, and I hope I haven't stated it too strongly :)
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Post by Charlie »

@Captain Hesperus:

My most grateful thanks for your efforts. 8)

D*amn those ships look good!
( Useful info about the title screen, thanks )

@Everybody else:
Keep up the good work. :D

Fair point, the Oolite universe shouldn't get diluted. ( too much )
In relpy I think it's fair to mention that although it's obvious where the inspiraion comes from I don't think I've ever mentioned the StarWars Empire directly.
The Elite back-story does mention that there is plenty of space not under GalCop control, so there is likely to be trade ( illicit or not ) with rival territories.
I hope the nonsense I've posted to justify B.inc's ships & existance also makes it clear that GalCop frowns on such intercource. ( at least officially )

Do keep bringing up these points Roberto. I'm keen to see how far I can stretch the 'Elite concept' but may push it beyond it's elastic limit.
( Hooks law & all that )

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Post by Captain Hesperus »

@Roberto - I appreciate your comments :) . My offer to add to the Wiki for folks comes from my own inherited pedantry. I look on the Wiki and I see stubs and incomplete entries for ships, and I feel that if I can add to the Wiki with some of my own inventions, it would offer at least some information to the enquiring player. The structure of the Wiki is there, so that anyone who (God forbid) feels I have been inaccurate, or should the OXP's author decide that the data I wrote is not in-keeping with the concept they had envisioned when the built their OXP, then they can log in and change or revise what was written.
As to the references to 'non-Elite' elements, as Charlie wrote above, it's obvious where the influences of the Falcon arise and although I allude to the SW Empire, I don't outright write that it *is* the Empire. Azzameen designed the Star Wars ships OXP, and although they are a little (some would say a lot) uber, they still deserve to be included, if only to let new players know that they exist in OXP form.
The GalCop ground troops can be in-keeping with the spirit of Elite, as long as they are looked upon as a 'United Nations Peace-keeping Force' type of concept. The remit of GalCop is to ensure the safety of the spacelanes between Witchpoint and station, but when a company is producing ships for them and then also selling them on the open market (naughty Q!!), they might need to send in some grunts to remind said company what the consequences of selling military-spec ships to outlaws would be. After all, if a pirate got his hands on a Navy Condor, then it would constitute a clear and present danger to the spacelanes and stations under GalCop's protection.

Oolite, by virtue of it's expansions, is not as 'limited' as the Eilte canon and I think that the Wiki should reflect this. As long as the Wiki entries are written accurately and unambiguously, then they can act as a 'catalogue' of sorts for people looking for OXPs.

Captain Hesperus
"You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can please GalCop pretty much never."
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