Oosat2 - Problems?

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Oosat2 - Problems?

Post by Charlie »

I've recently had problems logging in to Oosat2

It started with my being unable to download the two ugly cobras .oxp
( All the others are fine )

Then I got a message from another member that the new yt1300 skin I posted won't download.
It was fine, but on testing I now find it's the same for me.

I've also noticed recently that when I log-in all is accepted BUT I have no access to the member facilities & I don't appear under 'who's online'
( Putting in incorrect details gets a log-in rejection as expected )
( I'm still able to change my password - having tried this )

I'd like to try the ugly cobra's

Also I've got a couple of new ships I was hoping to upload...

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.
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Post by Rxke »

Yes there are persistant problems with Oosat 2, pity 'cause it's quite essential to Oolite :(
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Post by Charlie »

Thanks for the reply - glad to hear it's not me at least.

Can oosat One still be uploaded to?
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Post by LittleBear »

Murgh has dusted off Oosat one so you can post new OXPs there or put them on a file sharing site with a link on your profile (as I've done with the Assassins Guild). Think you can still download from Oosat2 ATM, just a problem with uploading.
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Post by Charlie »

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Post by winston »

What is the problem with Oosat2? What changed before it broke? I've not been involved particularly with its setup, but it is on my server so I can poke it if someone can give me some clue what's the matter with it, and what preceeded it getting broken.
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Post by Roberto »

I may have been the first to report a problem (early in the morning on Sunday 1 October) - I wanted to log in to add a comment to one of my OXPs, and it wouldn't take my password. I thought maybe I'd misremembered it, so I had it send me a new one, and that didn't work either.

I'm very, very keen to see Oosat2 restored btw - Oolite needs it IMO, and it's too good a game to be left to "drift", which has been the case for nearly a month now.
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Post by LittleBear »

Think the problem has somthing to do with the Database either being wiped or messed up. Nobody can log in and Ossat reads "There are users and guests on-line", so looks like it is not detecting the fact that either users or guests are even looking at the sight.
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

Most of the .oxp's are accessable, though a couple (such as the 'Ugly Cobras' and new YT-1300 skin) are inaccessable. Strange, since the .oxp's either side of them (Lovecats, Dark Wheel Cobra III and Urutu Mk IV) are all accessable. When you try to download the inaccessable ones, a 403 Forbidden screen comes up stating: "You don't have permission to access /files/active// on this server.".

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Post by winston »


I just poked around in its database, and everything (well, at a brief glance) looks OK.

Since I think Giles may now be out for the count with burn out, I may just try and find some time to update Drupal to the latest version and see if it fixes it (well, without breaking it even more).
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Post by Roberto »

I'd be willing to make a small donation to go towards restoring/maintaining the site, and my guess is I wouldn't be the only one. Would you say you're likely/willing to be the guy in charge of this side of Oolite from now on? Maybe it's just me, but I think it's vitally important for all the OXPs to be together in one place, where newcomers and the rest of us can find them, and where we can vote/comment on them. It would be such a damn shame to let it all slowly fragment.

In conclusion: seize the crown, Winston! :)
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Post by winston »

Well, I had a look at the database, and there were some corrupted tables (the probable cause of stuff being broken). Unfortunately, it happened long ago enough that the last really good backup has long since gone, and in recovery (and an upgrade attempt), things have got more borked than they already were.

I think Oosat will need reinstallation from scratch - and unfortunately, it looks like Drupal stores files with some internal naming scheme - it'll be non-trivial to bring it back to its previous state. Don't hold your breath, but I'll try and rebuild it from scratch this weekend.
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Post by Roberto »

Best of luck - sounds pretty arduous. As I said, I'd be happy to make a donation towards the future upkeep of the site - not sure how to donate now Giles is gone, though.
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Post by winston »

Just incidentally, this is the first time I've seen a problem with MySQL corrupted tables in over 5 years of fairly intense use of the database!
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Post by Roberto »

Sadly, I'm an English graduate, so, er, good luck again! :)
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