An analogy might be to think of the traders as the plants, pirates/assassins the herbivores and police/bounty-hunters as the carnivores. But then, like most analogies, that's only any use up to a point...
Anyway, traders are important and so I'm trying to understand both how they appear and especially the key differences between the three (main) trader roles.
There's this of course
From the populator script...
Presumably, that is refering to traders (freighters) and their two sub-roles 'trader-courier' and 'trader-smuggler' (I know there's shuttle as well but they generally behave very differently).var freighters = 0; // standard trade ships
var couriers = 0; // fast parcel couriers or big passenger liners
var smugglers = 0; // small fast illegal goods traders
Am I correct in thinking that the key, practical differnces between the three groups (besides the pre-determined ship roles and weightings set in shipdata,plist) would be that...
- traders attract pirates
- couriers have injectors and attract assassins (not just in principle but actually cause them to spawn within the system)
- smugglers have injectors and potentially offender status
So if all cobra 3 traders were made purely couriers for example, then the only change that the player is likely to perceive any time soon, would be that of any effect on the role weightings (and consequently how often it appeared as any kind of trader)?
As for escorts, is the idea that couriers don't generally have them but both of the others do?
With other roles, we have light/medium/heavy sub-types with some ships crossing categories.
With traders however, any light/heavy distinction is rendered a bit silly when (despite the above quote) both adders and cobra 3s can occupy any of the trader roles.
Don't get me wrong, the above descriptions from the populator may be generally true but I need to understand that before I attempt to spawn a freighter and become surprised to find that an adder has appeared.
If anything I've written above isn't true then please feel free to correct/enlighten.