Cowell & MgRath have been building their Cobra Mk.3 ships at Lave for over half a century.
But the planet is a rich agricultural with a TL of 5!
If they are made at the Coriolis station, the TL is too low to even service them ("Maintenance")! How can it hope to make them?
If they are made down on the planet, surely the same applies. And PlanetFall OXP requires a TL of 9 to sell the equipment for landing/take off.
This information comes from Holdstock's imaginative "The Space Traders Flight Training Manual" from the OBSERVER'S GUIDE
TO SHIPS IN SERVICE section at the back. It is missing from B&B's original unfinished manual.
Any ideas?
The one which came to my mind was based on the crumbling of GalCop - that Lave used to have a better TL back in the Golden Age, but being clobbered by the Thargoids - and then the pirates - lost it.
But that still leaves the problem of how they can make the spaceships today - and get them into space from the planet. And why one can't do maintenance there, even on a Cobra Mk.3...
(There are similar issues with a number of the other ships - eg Faulcon de Lacy of Reorte TL6, Poor Agricultural: Vipers, Sidewinders...)
http://www.elitehomepage.org/manual.htm - Holdstock's Space Traders Flight Training Manual
http://www.elitehomepage.org/playguide.htm#A0 - B&B's Elite Player's Guide (see Captions for Screen Dumps)
https://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Cowell_%26_MgRath - Our wiki page on Cowell & MgRath - and see the link to Faulcon deLacy (this all seems to jibe with the FFE lore website https://www.jades.org/whoswho.htm)