inspired by this
i have played around with the MFDs => made 11 MFDs for phkb's Xenon HUD
O.K. ...... first try - the 10th and the 11nd overlaps with other elements -- as i expected.
==>> so i made them smaller ( i thought - "only for information-MFDs" )
( i use a 40" monitor / look at my signature )
but...! after making them smaller - they got better readable!
--- that reminds me to something, i have learned long time ago
"The human eye/brain system works not like a computer."
==> scaling from (fx.) 30" to 40" results very different effects
( !! i am not talking about screen resolution/relation => only "screen size" )
therefore i changed the size(reduced) and wide/high(wider) relation of all other MFDs.
-- i my eyes ( on 40" ) -- much better / ( on my smaller monitor the original size is o.k. [for me] )
==>> if, that what i think, is correct we need not only HUDs for different resolutions/relations
but also for size ...
