I found this:
and this:Interior Preflight
Once the pilot is satisfied that everything outside the airplane is as it should be, the pilot must check multiple systems inside the airplane. This has two phases. The first phase is when the airplane has not yet been started. Every airplane is different, so what the pilot checks varies from airplane to airplane. However, basically, the pilot looks at systems related to braking, fuel, and electronics.
The second phase happens once the airplane has been started; now there are many other systems to check. These include, at very minimum:
Fuel pressure
Oil pressure
Radio settings and tunability (including transponder code – see the CalAero article on this)
Navigational instrument health
Operation of flight controls, including but not limited to
Ability to move all of these to their 100% limits
Fire extinguisher readiness
Database currency, for airplanes so equipped
Flightplan entry, for airplanes so equipped
References:The appearance and length of pre-flight checklist varies enormously, from relatively simple lists of actions for single engine planes such as most private pilots learn on and fly, to extremely long and detailed lists used by airline pilots. As an example, here is an example of a pre-flight checklist for the Cessna 152, a small aircraft commonly used in flying schools for PPL training.
Actually, the C152 checklist starts with the external ‘walk around’. This is when the pilot walks carefully round the outside of the aircraft, checking everything from moving surfaces such as flaps and ailerons, to tyres to fuel. This is just summarised below as ‘Complete External Checks’, but on an actual checklist each item will be described separately and should be checked carefully.
Example of the Cessna 152 Checklist
1. Before Starting Engine
Complete external checks.
Seats adjusted and locked in position.
Seat belts and shoulder harnesses fastened.
Fuel shutoff valve on.
Radios and electrical equipment off.
Brakes test and hold.
2. Starting the Engine
Circuit breakers in.
Mixture rich.
Carburetor heat cold.
Prime up to three strokes.
Throttle open 1/2 inch.
Master switch ON.
Beacon on.
Propeller – area check and shout “Clear”.
Ignition switch start.
Adjust rpm with throttle to 1000 or less.
Oil pressure check.
Mixture lean one inch for taxi-ing.
Flaps up.
Radios on.
Transponder on standby.
3. Before Takeoff
Brakes set.
Cabin doors latched.
Flight controls free and moving correctly.
Elevator trim moves correctly and set in takeoff position.
Fuel valve on.
Mixture rich, assuming takeoff below 3000 feet.
Throttle – advance smoothly to 1700 rpm (make sure you still have the brakes applied.)
Oil pressure and temperature should be checked and be in the green.
Ammeter check.
Suction gauge check in the green.
Carburetor Heat. – Check.
Magnetos. – Check.
Throttle – reduce to idle.
Flight instruments – Set as required
Radios – set to desired frequencies.
Brakes – release prior to taxi.
As you can see from this list, the checks fall into natural groupings. First there are items which are checked before you even think of starting the engine, then things you need to do as a part of engine start-up, and then ‘power checks’ which are done when you increase the power prior to takeoff. Then, after taxi-ing, there are actually few more items to check before the actual takeoff.
Less helpful: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preflight_checklist
So what would pre-flight checks in a Cobra Mk3 consist of?
From my personal gaming perspective:
*Ensure refuelling is complete
*Ensure destination mapped into F6 short-range chart (unless in a pirate-ridden system) - doable
*Fast action MFD's set up as desired - doable
*Lasers set up as desired (LMSS & Laser Arrangement .oxp's) - doable
*MFD's set up as desired
What else might be involved?
- Ensuring that bought commodities are on-board and properly stowed (should this not take a little time?)
- Filling in paperwork for departure
- Check life-support systems/rescue-pod
- Testing engine response to astrogation board/engine checks (speed/direction)
- Checking all external apertures are shut
one presumes that the order of such is in-part dictated by the time need to rectify matters. Engineering work might take much longer than stowing away the tonne cannisters of commodities
And we have Commander Cheyd's breakdown of the innards for his Witchspace bits-and-bobs:
Akai Stella Automated Transport Routing Unit: Plots wormhole entry and exit event horizons in conjunction with Witchspace Navigation Beacons:
Dynamic Response Uridium Injection Dilator: Dynamically alters uridium injection into the drive initiator housing during exit sequence.
Proton Anti-Gaussing Anisotropy Neutraliser: Re-stabilizes the proton-focusing crystal in the drive unit's anti-gaussing field destabilizer into an isotrophic state.
Std. Heisenberg Atemporal Muon-Ambiplasma Navigation: Ensures asynchronous temporal wormhole exit by destabilising the witchspace exit meniscus only after the ship has entered the wormhole using ambiplasma-derived muons.
Witchspace Initiator Chromo-Channel Accelerator: Accelerates particles in the quantum chromodynamics channel to initiate a witchspace jump.
What else might we need?
Edited to add:
ADD: Checking what is outside... is a Thargoid raid taking place? ... And could the station scramble some of the pilots - such as oneself - if it is?
And what should be vanilla game code, and what should be oxp-able?
The ability to demote the F1 to the F1F1 would require vanilla game code. One could argue that shutting doors, stowing luggage, and a very basic engine & life-support systems check might all be vanilla game code (maybe disable-able in F2 Game Options).
The Joystick configuration pages could be reworked in the same way that cag reworked telescope options - and so could Phkb's upcoming astrogation console configuration pages (it is important that the different species of lobstoid have the laser fire control configured as they prefer...).
Then those two sections of the F2 game options page could go instead on the new F1 pre-flight checks page!
cag's in-game Telescope Options page

Moved here from Musings for v.1.92