Distant Suns OXP gives stars differnt colours and classes. It also sets the distance between the habitable main planet and the sun depending on the star type. So if the star is a Red Dwarf then the habitable planet is closer to the star. If the star is a larger yellow star then it is further away. To get a more interstesing solar system I'd suggest:-
System Redux (plus all the texture packs).
Povey Planets.
Distant Suns.
Extra Stations for extra planets will also add some space stations in orbit around some of the extra planets.
You might also like:-
Solar Flares.
System Feature: Rings
System Feature: Sun Spots.
Asteroid Storm (adds better models and textures for asteroids).
to further spice up your solor systems.
All are in the Manager under Amibience, except for Povey Planets and Orbits, which you'd need to download from the Wiki.
Those 9 OXP working together make for good variety in the planets moons and stars in a system and add Gas Giants as well as rocky planets and moons.
Planet Fall OXP will also let you land on planets and moons (except Gas Giants).
Distances and Named Planets Moons, Stars and Space Stations will be covered by my own Galaxtic Almanc, but I've still got a bit more testing to do with it before release.
Touched Down on a planet from System Redux. Distant Suns and System Redux, Extra Stations for Extra Planets and Planet Fall installed:-
The area you have landed and the city / town / facticility there are also named.
Different star types from Distant Suns:-