wolf mk.2 stuttering

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wolf mk.2 stuttering

Post by fizz »

Well, I just encountered a strange problem: I just come back to Oolite after a long time away, started playing back, from the beginning, traded around for a while till i managed to get enough credits for a serious upgrade, and I bought a Wolf mk.2.

As soon as I launched from the station, I suddenly noticed a quite noticeable graphic stuttering. To be precise, graphics is fluid for 2-3 seconds, then it starts stuttering for 2-3 seconds, and so on. I see the framerate going from the normal 40-60 fps to exactly 6 fps and back, constantly.

It does not seems to be related in any way to the amount of ships/items around, I've some mods loaded but trying to disable most of them had no effect, my graphic card is relatively recent and more than powerful enough for last generation games, and even downgrading resolution to the minimum does not change the presence of the stuttering effect.

And simply loading the last save before the ship switching make the stuttering goes away.

Is this a problem somebody does know about? Some suggestions about things I could try? or do I've to renounce flying the wolfie? I was really looking forward to it... :-(
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Re: wolf mk.2 stuttering

Post by Cholmondely »

fizz wrote: Sun Mar 07, 2021 5:24 pm
Well, I just encountered a strange problem: I just come back to Oolite after a long time away, started playing back, from the beginning, traded around for a while till i managed to get enough credits for a serious upgrade, and I bought a Wolf mk.2.

As soon as I launched from the station, I suddenly noticed a quite noticeable graphic stuttering. To be precise, graphics is fluid for 2-3 seconds, then it starts stuttering for 2-3 seconds, and so on. I see the framerate going from the normal 40-60 fps to exactly 6 fps and back, constantly.

It does not seems to be related in any way to the amount of ships/items around, I've some mods loaded but trying to disable most of them had no effect, my graphic card is relatively recent and more than powerful enough for last generation games, and even downgrading resolution to the minimum does not change the presence of the stuttering effect.

And simply loading the last save before the ship switching make the stuttering goes away.

Is this a problem somebody does know about? Some suggestions about things I could try? or do I've to renounce flying the wolfie? I was really looking forward to it... :-(
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The people who will be able to help may well want to know more details about what you are running your Oolite on (operating system etc).

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Re: wolf mk.2 stuttering

Post by Cody »

Welcome back, Commander! I've just bought and (briefly) tested a Wolf MkII (a lovely ship) and had no stuttering.
It's unlikely to be the cause, but check your GPU settings - is Threaded Optimisation (or its equivalent) disabled?

Did you install the Wolf from the in-game expansion manager?
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Re: wolf mk.2 stuttering

Post by fizz »

Thanks to everybody, a pleasure to be back.
Anyway: my installation at the moment is a Windows 10 Home, hardware is a i5 6600k, with 16 gb ram, and a Nvidia GTX 970.

Oolite is 1.90, all mods are last version, and all installed with the internal mod manager.

Threaded Optimization was set on Auto, but anyway I tried setting it explicitly bot on and off with no changes: with Wolf Mk.2 stuttering, with my original ship or by buying a couple other random ships (including an Asp, in case it was the ship maximum speed that triggered the problem) no stuttering, constant 60-70 fps.

Anyway, as i said, even by turning the resolution down to 640x480, or by moving to wireframe mode, or changing the level of detail, the cyclical drop to 6 fps every 2-3 seconds with the wolf is still happening.

It is likely some kind of interaction between one or more of the mods installed, but I tried disabling most of them without effect.

If nobody has a more direct suggestion, my next step will likely be to find how to backup my savefiles, uninstall, reinstall without mods, and start activating them one by one.
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Re: wolf mk.2 stuttering

Post by fizz »

Huh, searching the game directory I've found the log files, and they may contain a possible explanation: I see a lot of error messages stating variations on these:
21:45:48.554 [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "wolf2_0.png".
21:45:48.554 [files.notFound]: ***** ERROR: HeadUpDisplay couldn't get an image texture name for wolf2_0.png

So, it seems to be an interaction between the Wolf mk2 mod and Vimana HUD mod.
By turning Vimana HUD off, the stuttering disappear.
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Re: wolf mk.2 stuttering

Post by Cody »

Cool! I wonder if that hud only works with core ships?
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
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Re: wolf mk.2 stuttering

Post by fizz »

Nope, among the ships I tried there was a Griff Boa Prototype (I figured if anything would have triggered rendering problem was such a complex model), and that worked flawlessly.
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Re: wolf mk.2 stuttering

Post by cbr »

After installing the vimana hud, I also had stuttering and a jscript error of some kind, the wolf oxz on it's own did not introduce any stuttering.
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Re: wolf mk.2 stuttering

Post by phkb »

The issue is with the hull animation code in the Vimana HUD. For all the core player-flyable ships, there are 5 image files that break up the ships into components that can be cycled and highlighted on the HUD. For example, for the Cobra MkIII, the files are called: cobra3.png, cobra3_0.png, cobra3_1.png, cobra3_2.png and cobra3_3.png. The first file has a top-down wire-frame view of the entire ship, and each of the other files has a different section of it.

But for some ships, only the first image file is included. For any ships in the following list, if there is a player-flyable version, the same issue will occur if the Vimana HUD is used:
  • GalTech Interceptor
  • Gecko
  • Viper
  • Viper Interceptor
  • Krait
  • Griff Krait
  • Orbital shuttle
  • Mamba
  • Sidewinder
  • Transporter
  • Wolf MkII
  • Worm
  • Raider
  • Light Interceptor
(I believe the last two are probably part of the Fighters OXP, but I haven't confirmed this).

The easier fix would be for someone to create the 4 sub-images for each of the missing ships. The slightly more complex fix would be to add some form of flag that can be referenced by the internal array so that the animation is only turned on for one of the ships that has the required files.
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Re: wolf mk.2 stuttering

Post by Cholmondely »

Does this mean that not buying the Ship Module (for 1500 Cr) - and spending 250cr for the Damage Report MFD instead - will fix the problem?
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Re: wolf mk.2 stuttering

Post by montana05 »

phkb wrote: Mon Mar 08, 2021 3:33 am
(I believe the last two are probably part of the Fighters OXP, but I haven't confirmed this).
  • GalTech Interceptor
  • Raider
  • Light Interceptor
belong to Fighters OXP.
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Re: wolf mk.2 stuttering

Post by cbr »

Perhaps generic ship images could be made/used in place of unavailable ones

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