Nav Buoy Replacement in Core

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Nav Buoy Replacement in Core

Post by Cmd. Cheyd »

Okay, so what do I need to do to allow this to happen? Change the license universally? Provide a specific license to Oolite core dev?

Let's make this a thing. :)
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Re: Nav Buoy Replacement in Core

Post by Cody »

Cmd. Cheyd wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 5:10 pm
Okay, so what do I need to do to allow this to happen?
<grins mischievously> Halve its tumble rate?
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
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Re: Nav Buoy Replacement in Core

Post by phkb »

I definitely want to see this happen! Let's do it!

From my reply in another thread:
I think the only thing, licence-wise, is for the buoy to be released under a standard Commons Creative Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike License version 3.0, which is what the rest of the models and textures are released under. At the moment (at least from the version I have), the licence in use is Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States license (Modified).
But as I mentioned in that thread, I no expert on licencing, so if someone else wants to chime in and correct my understanding, please do it.
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Re: Nav Buoy Replacement in Core

Post by Cmd. Cheyd »

How do I do that? Is just changing the license statement/declaration in the script good enough?
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Re: Nav Buoy Replacement in Core

Post by phkb »

Cmd. Cheyd wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2019 12:54 am
How do I do that?
This is the part where I make a suggestion, while looking at the back-stage area for someone more knowledgeable to come forward and offer a more definitive reply.
Cmd. Cheyd wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2019 12:54 am
Is just changing the license statement/declaration in the script good enough?
It would certainly be good enough from my perspective.
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Re: Nav Buoy Replacement in Core

Post by another_commander »

I am by no means knowledgeable enough on the subject of licensing, but if the OXP scripts are to be uploaded with changes in the copyright string to make them CC BY-NC-SA 3.0, maybe it would be best if Cmd. Cheyd uploaded the entire OXP with the license change also in its readme file. That would leave no margin for doubts, I believe.
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Re: Nav Buoy Replacement in Core

Post by phkb »

With thanks to Cmd. Cheyd for releasing his buoy model under the same licence as the rest of the Oolite textures, I have just created a PR in the main code branch which adds this into core.

Notes on differences between implementation and original:
1. I resized all textures to 1024x1024 to match other ship textures.
2. I did not include the normal map, because none of the other ships have normal maps.
3. I did not include the ship script or AI from the DH Nav Buoy pack. This was to maintain OXP compatibility.

With item 2, I originally included the normal map, and then changed my mind. I think this is the best solution because (a) it reduces the size of the update, and (b) it gives the DH Nav Buoy OXP a reason to exist. The core game has a standard, lower-res, less-bumpy model, but if you install the expansion you get a higher-res, bumpy model.

Once again, thanks to Cmd Cheyd for his fantastic model and his willingness to contribute it to the core game.
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Re: Nav Buoy Replacement in Core

Post by Cody »

Sweet! Now throw Svengali's hyperspace and docking-tunnel effects into Core, and call it Oolite 2.0?
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Nav Buoy Replacement in Core

Post by phkb »

Before I attempt to merge this PR, it would be great to hear from a couple of users who might be in a position to test it out, you know, kick the tires, that sort of thing. Theoretically there should be no gameplay or visual issues, as I've made the addition a simple drop-in replacement of the original buoy, but this is the first time I've had to mess with submodules, so there's still a chance I've messed something somewhere.
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Re: Nav Buoy Replacement in Core

Post by cbr »

Isn't the Trunk version to test these kind of 'improvements' ?
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Re: Nav Buoy Replacement in Core

Post by phkb »

Trunk has the final check ins. A Pull Request happens before the final check in, allowing changes to be checked and validated first. This PR is probably ok to check in, given no logic or code is changing, but still.

Alternatively, I could check it in, allow the nightly to create a new distribution, and then back it out if problems are found.
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Re: Nav Buoy Replacement in Core

Post by another_commander »

Just got word that Terrastorage is going down - most likely permanently - in the next few days. If you want a nightly build containing the new nav buoy, best get that PR in now.
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Re: Nav Buoy Replacement in Core

Post by phkb »

OK, PR merged. New nightly will be out shortly.
another_commander wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2019 10:56 pm
Just got word that Terrastorage is going down - most likely permanently - in the next few days
Ah, that's going to be a problem. Is there an easy "just-repoint-the-script-to-new-site" solution?
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Re: Nav Buoy Replacement in Core

Post by Cody »

The final nightly? Hey ho!
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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