Hey, I recently completed a really huge cargo contract for gold. I go from 240,000 or so creds up to 420,000, but my Trader rep goes from Magnate(better than 300,000 profit) to -(that's MINUS!!!)500,000 profit and the discrepancy is bothering me. I lost part of the gold consignment to damage en route, but bought up gold at stations and rock hermits to make up the difference(and a heavy dose of actual piracy, yes I'll admit it

); this would eat into profits, sure, but I can't wind up with -500,000 trade profit while my actual balance increases from 240,000 to 420,000. I'm perplexed.
1.) What's gone wrong?
2.) What do I edit to fix it? (my trader reputation... don't maintain the old saves to go back before my payday)
Barring advice here, my only option is to uninstall [wiki]DisplayReputation[/wiki], but I took such pride in my "Magnate" status after missing out on as much trade profit before adding it.
P.S. I assume Discussion is the right place for this? Didn't see any bug report type posts in Expansion sub-forum and I assumed the bug-report sub-forum is for core issues.