Thanks for the swerve Tricky, I hadn't thought of looking at the beeb, had my C64 blinkers on

that 'TAU-82-2' really helped me crack on.
I believe I have identified the important bits, (particularly the kill count score relating to ratings)
If anyone wants to know how I did it, here is a brief summary:
1. Save the tape audio to pc using WAV-PROG
2. Downloaded 'hoxs64' C64 emulator, DirMaster and 'Elite.d64' game file (with a 'cheat savegame editor' spit,spit!

3. Ran game to save a default 'jameson' savegame file for comparison, generated 'cheat' savegames with one change per file to identify which bits relate to rating, legal,kill-score,galaxy-location etc
Finally managed to identify the bits (may be some errors - ok, don't shoot me

4. Open my 15 savegames to identify which was the last one I used, and noted the relevant data ready to pop in a Oolite savegame -(my last step).
For your info, sorry this will be long winded as don't know how to insert a table into a post
In DirMaster the hex view was displayed in 8 block lines as below;
- A: 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08
B: 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08
C: 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08
D: 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08
E: 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08
F: 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08
G: 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08
H: 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08
I: 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08
J: ,01,02,03,04,05,06,07
79 bits total
And now follows the description of each bit referencing the grid above.
- A1= ???;
A2= ???;
A3= Mission no.;
A4= galaxy_X (ship X co-ord);
A5= galaxy_Y (ship Y co-ord);
A6= galaxy id>b1;
A7= galaxy id>b2;
A8= galaxy id>b3
B1= galaxy id>b4;
B2= galaxy id>b5;
B3= galaxy id>b6;
B4= ???;
B5= credits:(byte3) MSB;
B6= credits:(byte2);
B7= credits:(byte1) LSB;
B8= fuel
C1= ???;
C2= ???;
C3= laser front;
C4= laser rear;
C5= laser left;
C6= laser right;
C7= ???;
C8= ???;
D1= cargo bay size;
D2= food;
D3= textiles;
D4= radioactives;
D5= slaves;
D6= liquor;
D7= luxuries;
D8= narcotic;
E1= computer;
E2= machines;
E3= alloys;
E4= firearms;
E5= furs;
E6= minerals;
E7= gold;
E8= platinum;
F1= gems;
F2= alien items;
F3= ecm=ff;
F4= fuel scoop=ff;
F5= ebomb=7f;
F6= energy unit=01;
F7= docking pc=ff;
F8= galaxy_Hyper drive=ff;
G1= escape pod=ff;
G2= ???;
G3= trumbles mission identifier? (got trumbles=0x22;)
G4= trumble_nos: msb;
G5= trumble_nos: lsb
G6= missile quantity;
G7= legal status;
G8= ss+ food;
H1= ss+ textiles;
H2= ss+ radioactives;
H3= ss+ slaves;
H4= ss+ liquor;
H5= ss+ luxuries;
H6= ss+ narcotic;
H7= ss+ computer;
H8= ss+ machines;
I1= ss+ alloys;
I2= ss+ firearms;
I3= ss+ furs;
I4= ss+ minerals;
I5= ss+ gold;
I6= ss+ platinum;
I7= ss+ gems;
I8= ss+ alien_items;
J1= killscore: ships fractional byte;
J2= killscore: lsb;
J3= killscore: msb;
J4= ???;
J5= ???;
J6= ???;
J7= ???;
Notes on values stored:
credits = $value/10
fuel = $value/10
lasers: pulse = 0x0f, mining = 0x32 , beam = 0x8f, military = 0x97
for extra missile noted that G5: gets set to 0x0b (note: G6:= no. of missiles)
goods (quantity of):- 'ss+'preceding = space station goods
legal status: G7: 0x00=clean, 0x20=offender, 0x40=fugitive
mission: 0x10 = mission1, 0x11 = mission 2
trumbles = G3:0x22, and importantly G4&5: = number of trumbles!
J4,5,6&7 I think are the C64 checksum bits - may be wrong here.
Told you it was long winded, sorry 'bout that.
I'm putting auto pilot on now while I put kettle on, now where did I put those jaffa cakes...