Background story of the Elite universe
Moderators: winston, another_commander
Background story of the Elite universe
Being of the Frontier generation, I find it a bit hard adjusting to the Elite universe with its different galaxies and whatnot.
In Frontier the background story is explained rather well in the Gazzeteer, but i havent found any corresponding writings for Elite.
* I'm hearing rumours about an empress. Is she the empress of a galaxy? All the galaxies, or just a planet?
* There's the Galactic Co-operation organization, which apparently is one on several similar organizations. Which are the others, and where are they?
* What's up with all humans being colonials? Isn't there a human homeworld?
Actually I've come up with a theory about this (lent a bit from Larry Niven): The milky way is suffering from a chain reaction of super nova's, so humankind fled to another galaxy which was allready inhabited by intelligent creatures of all sorts.
That would place Elite after Frontier, but it's ok with me. It's the same way as I encountered the games. :^)
In Frontier the background story is explained rather well in the Gazzeteer, but i havent found any corresponding writings for Elite.
* I'm hearing rumours about an empress. Is she the empress of a galaxy? All the galaxies, or just a planet?
* There's the Galactic Co-operation organization, which apparently is one on several similar organizations. Which are the others, and where are they?
* What's up with all humans being colonials? Isn't there a human homeworld?
Actually I've come up with a theory about this (lent a bit from Larry Niven): The milky way is suffering from a chain reaction of super nova's, so humankind fled to another galaxy which was allready inhabited by intelligent creatures of all sorts.
That would place Elite after Frontier, but it's ok with me. It's the same way as I encountered the games. :^)
Well going from Elite to the Frontiers you have to sort of disconnect your brain and pretend everything flows.
Don't forget to check out the Elite Wiki. It answers a lot of your questions especialy if you look under the entries for Galcoop, Federation, Empre, Alliance etc.
To give you cliff notes, it wasn't other galaxies it was one galaxy just different sections of it.
Galcoop was an intergovernment agency that regulated things such as interspace commerce, law enforcement in space and organized citizen militia (that is everyone with a ship) to fight off the Thargoid attacks.
The were pretty much well liked by the planets the protected because they only controlled space and not planetary politics (reason why each planet is free to choose its form of government).
The Empire was started when a group of colonials from the federation felt that it had become too corrupt. The leader of this schism (sp) was a woman last name Duvall. She was peaceful and well meaning, her brother was not. They "tolerated Galcoop's presence.
Federation was always there but from the looks of it, responsible for sabotaging Galcoop.
That's it in a nutshell you really ought to read the Wiki though a really good read.
Don't forget to check out the Elite Wiki. It answers a lot of your questions especialy if you look under the entries for Galcoop, Federation, Empre, Alliance etc.
To give you cliff notes, it wasn't other galaxies it was one galaxy just different sections of it.
Galcoop was an intergovernment agency that regulated things such as interspace commerce, law enforcement in space and organized citizen militia (that is everyone with a ship) to fight off the Thargoid attacks.
The were pretty much well liked by the planets the protected because they only controlled space and not planetary politics (reason why each planet is free to choose its form of government).
The Empire was started when a group of colonials from the federation felt that it had become too corrupt. The leader of this schism (sp) was a woman last name Duvall. She was peaceful and well meaning, her brother was not. They "tolerated Galcoop's presence.
Federation was always there but from the looks of it, responsible for sabotaging Galcoop.
That's it in a nutshell you really ought to read the Wiki though a really good read.
Cmdr. EAGLE 5
Hero for Hire
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- Selezen
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Where does it say there is an Imperial research base on Xeer?
Well, like any cold war situation, there are exceptions to the general rule. Remember that INRA is a multiple-agency body and there may be other treaties in play regarding Xeer. Also, there is the matter of the Thargoids, where all three agencies have been known to put thier differences aside for the greater good.
It's a big ole universe out there...
Well, like any cold war situation, there are exceptions to the general rule. Remember that INRA is a multiple-agency body and there may be other treaties in play regarding Xeer. Also, there is the matter of the Thargoids, where all three agencies have been known to put thier differences aside for the greater good.
It's a big ole universe out there...
Here: ... 6_2004.jpgSelezen wrote:Where does it say there is an Imperial research base on Xeer?
It doesn't really say that there's an imperial research base on Xeer, but it is implied. "Her majesty's space navy", could that be anything else than the imperial navy? And why would a unique ship with unheard of shields be at Xeer? Probably developed there, I'd say.
I have read most of your site now, and I must say that you have put a lot of thought in this subject. But I think I like my own solution better: Elite takes place in another galaxy after the demise of the milky way, GalCop is a bureau in a new empire started by the survivors. The aliens lived there before humans arrived and old Earth is but a distant memory.
Maybe Raxxla is a time/space portal back to the origins of mankind? :^)
(If I didn't think I was a nerd before, there isn't any doubt now...)
My understanding, albeit unsubstantiated at the mo', was that Earth had a name change and became Lave. I think this was hinted at in the collection of short stories that came with the original BBC box. Does anyone know where I can find these stories? Mould finally got the better of my hardcopy.
Pod bay doors? You're not in Kansas any more Dave.
The dark wheel says, a living evolving world, and there were folk down below to whom that world was everything that Old earth had once been to the human race. It compares the two planets but they are definately not the same. I found that the best way to get your hands on the definitive stuff is to hit ebay and buy the original BBC elite package for a few pounds, you get not only the dark wheel but also the space traders flight training manual which is the definitive piece of information, expecially when creating ships etc. Hope this helps. You can download the Dark Wheel by Rob Holdstock from many elite sites on the net
- Selezen
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Lave has never been Earth - Old Earth is mentioned in both TDW and the manual as a separate entity, and although never clearly stated, it is implied that it is some distance away. Also, Lave's population is listed as Human Colonials. In Frontier and FFE, the galactic map puts Lave some distance to the south-west of the Sol system, and that's the first confirmation of where Earth is in relation to Lave.
If you look in the Gallery on my site, I have a Frontier map of the same area covered by Galaxy 1's map in Elite.
OK, Her Majesty's Space Navy is a holdover term from Elite before the whole question of Lave's and GalCop's heirarchical structure was discussed. AFAIK, Bell and Braben never really set out the structure of the organisation or galaxies involved, and Rob Holdstock was given very free reign to make it up as he went along. If you notice, in original versions of Elite, GalCop is never explicitly mentioned - it is a term restricted to the manual and fiction that went alongside it!
So - the term His/Her Majesty's Space Navy is not a term related to the Empire, since the Emperor is usually referred to as His Imperial Majesty. Also, the term HER Majesty would never be used to refer to an Empire of Achenar ruler, since they do not allow female monarchs.
In my writing, Her/His Majesty's Space Navy is a traditional term harking back to the days of the Old Worlds Alliance, where members of what had once been Earth's royal family set up a government on Lave and became self-styled Kings and Queens. With the formation of the Space Navy following the Thargoid threat, it was the royal famiy who funded and approved the Navy, becoming the patrons of the organisation. By this time, however, they were no longer rulers of Lave, having turned the rule of the world over to an autocratic government.
A monarch is still in residence on Lave, and has governmental rule over one continent of the world. She retains control of the Space Navy in a purely patronising way (as in she is the PATRON of the Navy, not that she patronises it) but has no direct control over the way it is run.
For the record, the current monarch is Queen Isabell, and she is over 90 years old. Her 67 year old son is much chagrined at her obstinate refusal to die, and is seeing his chances at taking the throne fade away with his health. He already has had most of his internal organs replaced in order to remain fit and healthy and eligible to take over the throne.
If you look in the Gallery on my site, I have a Frontier map of the same area covered by Galaxy 1's map in Elite.
OK, Her Majesty's Space Navy is a holdover term from Elite before the whole question of Lave's and GalCop's heirarchical structure was discussed. AFAIK, Bell and Braben never really set out the structure of the organisation or galaxies involved, and Rob Holdstock was given very free reign to make it up as he went along. If you notice, in original versions of Elite, GalCop is never explicitly mentioned - it is a term restricted to the manual and fiction that went alongside it!
So - the term His/Her Majesty's Space Navy is not a term related to the Empire, since the Emperor is usually referred to as His Imperial Majesty. Also, the term HER Majesty would never be used to refer to an Empire of Achenar ruler, since they do not allow female monarchs.
In my writing, Her/His Majesty's Space Navy is a traditional term harking back to the days of the Old Worlds Alliance, where members of what had once been Earth's royal family set up a government on Lave and became self-styled Kings and Queens. With the formation of the Space Navy following the Thargoid threat, it was the royal famiy who funded and approved the Navy, becoming the patrons of the organisation. By this time, however, they were no longer rulers of Lave, having turned the rule of the world over to an autocratic government.
A monarch is still in residence on Lave, and has governmental rule over one continent of the world. She retains control of the Space Navy in a purely patronising way (as in she is the PATRON of the Navy, not that she patronises it) but has no direct control over the way it is run.
For the record, the current monarch is Queen Isabell, and she is over 90 years old. Her 67 year old son is much chagrined at her obstinate refusal to die, and is seeing his chances at taking the throne fade away with his health. He already has had most of his internal organs replaced in order to remain fit and healthy and eligible to take over the throne.