Oolite 1.77 key map version updated to v1.1.7 on 07 Oct 2013
Oolite 1.79 key map version new v1.3.0 on 07 Oct 2013
A while back, when reconfiguring the Oolite control keys I made an Oolite key map to keep track of the changes I made. Having made the maps, I decided to clean them up, make a Mac version and offer them here to anyone who might be interested and finds them useful. There are several key maps available covering full size keyboards and laptop keyboards for both PC and Mac. Have a look and see what you think.

I have made 6 files available. Pdf files and Office 2010 PowerPoint files for when you want to edit the key map to fit your configuration. Versions for Oolite v1.76.1 stable release, Oolite 1.77.1 latest release and Oolite 1.79 development version are available.
Oolite v1.76.1 key map:
Below are key maps for Oolite 1.76.1 Stable release.
Pdf file: Oolite v1.76 key map v1.0.2.pdf
Office 2010 PowerPoint file: Oolite v1.76 key map v1.0.2.pptx
Please report any errors or omission you find. I would also appreciate any suggestions towards changes or additions you might have.
Concerning the Mac layout: There are quite a few different layouts for the Mac keyboard out there. If yours is different, feel free to modify the files if you want to, and republish as you please.
Oolite key map v0.9: Initial release.
Oolite key map v0.9.1: Updated keyboard layout for Mac, few errors fixed and I have taken into account suggestions and feedback.
Oolite key map v0.9.2: Fixed an omission in the Mac key map and changed the naming of some keys to be more in line with the Oolite Reference sheet. (As suggested by Eric Walch)
Oolite v1.76 key map v1.0: Cosmetic changes to the keyboard. Removed the debug controls from the Oolite v1.76 key map. These are still available on the Oolite v1.77 key map.
Oolite v1.76 key map v1.0.1: Corrected some spelling mistakes as pointed out by SandJ. Sorry about that.
Oolite v1.76 key map v1.0.2: Added: Hold Shift key to flush OXP cache while loading game.
Oolite v1.77.1 key map:
Below are key maps for Oolite 1.77.1 Latest release. (This version is strongly recommended over 1.76.1 stable)
Pdf file: Oolite v1.77 key map v1.1.8.pdf
Office 2010 PowerPoint file: Oolite v1.77 key map v1.1.8.pptx
Oolite v1.77 key map v1.1.0: Initial release. Removed the Energy Bomb form the key maps. Key maps with debug controls are now included here.
Oolite v1.77 key map v1.1.1: Corrected some spelling mistakes as pointed out by SandJ. Sorry about that.
Oolite v1.77 key map v1.1.2: Added new debug key; "c" Toggle connection to the debug console as described here. Win and Linux only key.
Oolite v1.77 key map v1.1.3: Updated to reflect that changing TAF is now only possible when FPS is displayed. Minor updates and cosmetic changes.
Oolite v1.77 key map v1.1.4: Added "Ctrl - pitch/roll/yaw" precision toggle key combination.
Oolite v1.77 key map v1.1.5: Added: Hold Shift key to flush OXP cache while loading game" and new F4 mission key.
Oolite v1.77 key map v1.1.6: Added: Added new secondary equipment key "b".
Oolite v1.77 key map v1.1.7: Added: Changed name of "b" key to "equipment mode".
Oolite v1.77 key map v1.1.8: Updated: Removed reference to "?" key. Cosmetic stuff.
Oolite v1.79 key map:
Below are key maps for the cutting edge development version of Oolite, currently version 1.79. (Requires that you compile Oolite yourself by downloading the source form the OoliteProjecton GitHub).
Pdf file: Oolite v1.79 key map v1.3.0.pdf
Office 2010 PowerPoint file: Oolite v1.79 key map v1.3.0.pptx
Oolite v1.79 key map v1.3.0: Added: Added "?" key to toggle system highlight mode in long range chart.