Name that Anaconda!

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Name that Anaconda!

Post by Wildeblood »

As I just wrote in that other thread over there, regarding name generators for NPC ships...
Next I'll tackle the Anacondas, because they're my favourites. Soon every ship in the ooniverse will have an individual name. (Except Kraits, because they're crap. :mrgreen: )
I still think the ooniverse is enriched by individually named ships, and am eager to do this. Sure, it's easy to write a random text generator that will name ships "This of That" or "That of This". But in game that soon becomes obvious. It's important to have a reasonably-sized pool of certified cool names shuffled in amongst the procedurally generated ones. So please donate a name here. There are hundreds of orphaned anacondas out there in search of a name. Anything you think sounds like a good, anaconda-ry name. (Please us "Quotation marks".) I'll start the ball rolling:-

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Re: Name that Anaconda!

Post by DaddyHoggy »

"Kiss my fat behind"

"Slow Runner"

"Always Rollin'"

"Easy Pickings"

"The Fish in the Barrel"

"Rubber Duck"

"The Lazy Lump"

"The Sally-Ann"
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Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
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Re: Name that Anaconda!

Post by JD »

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Re: Name that Anaconda!

Post by Wildeblood »

DaddyHoggy wrote:
"Rubber Duck"
The truck from the movie, Convoy. It took a minute for the penny to drop.
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Re: Name that Anaconda!

Post by Switeck »

Wildeblood wrote:
DaddyHoggy wrote:
"Rubber Duck"
The truck from the movie, Convoy. It took a minute for the penny to drop.
Might as well add "Pig Pen" then as well. :lol:

And outside of that, how about an Anaconda named "Overhaul"?
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Re: Name that Anaconda!

Post by Wildeblood »

"Lady of the Sky", "Opposite Sex of the Celestial Firmament", "Translation Error"
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Re: Name that Anaconda!

Post by DaddyHoggy »

"Big Bruiser"

"The Retirement Plan"


"Amazing Grace"

"Diso Diva"

"Lucky Lucy"

"Too Slow to Blow"
Selezen wrote:
Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
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Re: Name that Anaconda!

Post by Smivs »

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Re: Name that Anaconda!

Post by Commander Wilmot »

Super-massive Asteroid
It's not the best name, but it's accurate and it fits the wiki description.
'Steers like a rogue asteroid' was the assessment of 'Trader' magazine.
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Re: Name that Anaconda!

Post by ADCK »

It's Pikachu!

Hehe for some reason I thought of that when reading the title of the thread.
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Re: Name that Anaconda!

Post by Wildeblood »

"It's Pikachu!" <-- LOL. Definitely including that.

"Duck", "Move", "Hu Mi", "O-oh", "Oops", "Witch Way"

"Big" + ["", "ger", "gerer"]

"Bigger Than " + ["Ben Hur", "King Kong", "Pikachu", "Thargoidia", "You"]

["Big ", "Little "] + ["Baby", "Boy", "Bruiser", "Debt", "Idea", "Investment", "League", "Mortgage", "Shake", "Snake", "Thunder", "Witch"]

Hmm, some of those also work with Bad, although they're probably more suited to pirates:

"Bad " + ["Baby", "Boy", "Bruiser", "Debt", "Idea", "Investment", "Snake", "Thunder", "Witch"]

Good names for escort ships:

"Ben Hur", "King Kong", "I'm With Stupid"
Last edited by Wildeblood on Sun Jun 26, 2011 4:04 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Name that Anaconda!

Post by Yah-Ta-Hey »

"Slow But Sure"
"Slow loris"
"Cannon Fodder"
"Long Timer"
"Impatient Virgin"
"Tigger Too"
"Gallumping Pachyderm"
"Get the Point"
"Tried and True"
"Found Wanting"
"Tokyo Giesha"
"Crab Hauler"
" GreyHound of the Spaceways"
"Santa's Little Helper"
"late again"
"No cargo here"
"Go Away Bullies"
"Keep shooting"
"Moving Target"
"Bob's Booger"
"Why me"
"What! Me Worry?"
"For the last time"
"Dawn Trader"
"Beetle Bomb"
"Casper's best Friend"
"Twisted Target"
"IRS Agent"
"Don't touch my Junk"
"Cheap Trickster"
"Bang!I am dead"
"ruptured Duck"
"Halifax Hannah"
"Avro Reject"
"Stuck together again"
"Cheap Shot"
"Space Ferry"
"Lonesome Duck"
"Limp Carrot"
"Lulu's Jewels"
" Dave's Famous Roast and Toast"
Last edited by Yah-Ta-Hey on Mon Jun 27, 2011 2:59 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Name that Anaconda!

Post by slomoe »

"slow burn"
"smoked pork"
"slow pig"
"cookin with fire"
"juicy target"

could you tell I was hungry??!!

"space snake"
"hail the snake"
"king snake"
"come get some"
"space cowboy"
"big & bad"
"sumo hauler"
"space legacy"
"more than you"
"big ugly"
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Re: Name that Anaconda!

Post by Ganelon »

I flew one for a bit a few months back, and called it "Dreamboat Annie". Trite, but oh well.

Anacondas are one of the Oolite ships actually big enough to do some serious route style trading. Stop everywhere it's reasonably safe to fly and buy everything that's at a good price and sell everything that's at a good price at every stop. "Good price" being whatever %age above or below average price you find works best. Great way to build up some credits in the account.
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Re: Name that Anaconda!

Post by Wildeblood »

Yah-Ta-Hey wrote:
"Found Wanting"
"Keep shooting"
"Why me"
I just imagined coming across a trader named "Keep Shooting" with an escort called "I'm with Stupid". :lol: I think "Why Me?" might be one of its escorts, too. "Found Wandering", "Lost and Found" or just "Found" would be good names for pirates.
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