Split: Difficulty for new players

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Re: Split: Difficulty for new players

Post by Zireael »

Two points:
1) split the torus/TAF/whatever discussion into a separate thread
The torus drive is a wangle designed to allow the human player a way to cross large distances of space without expiring from boredom, and the masslock is a wangle designed to prevent the player from using the torus to scoot away from anything they don't want to meet.
There are still boring parts such as this lone ship on the edge of my scanner mass-locking me or waiting to overtake this Anaconda/whatever. I am trying to find a solution to those.

Giving torus to the NPCs is a bad idea, I get it.
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Re: Split: Difficulty for new players

Post by Disembodied »

Zireael wrote:
There are still boring parts such as this lone ship on the edge of my scanner mass-locking me or waiting to overtake this Anaconda/whatever. I am trying to find a solution to those.
Injectors, basically. It costs you some fuel, but it gets the job done. There's also the gameplay element of patience: part of the game's ambience is that some things do take time. This feeds into the sense of scale: being able to immediately skip from one exciting bit to the next exciting bit would, I think, run the risk of shrinking the game-universe. The trick is to get the balance right.
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Re: Split: Difficulty for new players

Post by cim »

Zireael wrote:
1) split the torus/TAF/whatever discussion into a separate thread
Hmm. I think it belongs here - "go off-lane" is very commonly given as safety advice to new players, but is a consequence of the particular way the torus operates in conjunction with other aspects of the game engine (essentially, the advice is "exploit this bug"). So working out a way - if one exists - to allow fast travel without making "off-lane" safer than "on-lane" would be very useful. It might not be possible without making too many other changes, of course, but there might well be something.
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Re: Split: Difficulty for new players

Post by Zireael »

Disembodied wrote:
Zireael wrote:
There are still boring parts such as this lone ship on the edge of my scanner mass-locking me or waiting to overtake this Anaconda/whatever. I am trying to find a solution to those.
Injectors, basically. It costs you some fuel, but it gets the job done. There's also the gameplay element of patience: part of the game's ambience is that some things do take time. This feeds into the sense of scale: being able to immediately skip from one exciting bit to the next exciting bit would, I think, run the risk of shrinking the game-universe. The trick is to get the balance right.
If you don't have injectors and are a newbie, you might well get bored during those parts. So we need some optional way of skipping those boring parts.
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Re: Split: Difficulty for new players

Post by Disembodied »

cim wrote:
"go off-lane" is very commonly given as safety advice to new players, but is a consequence of the particular way the torus operates in conjunction with other aspects of the game engine (essentially, the advice is "exploit this bug"). So working out a way - if one exists - to allow fast travel without making "off-lane" safer than "on-lane" would be very useful. It might not be possible without making too many other changes, of course, but there might well be something.
If it's aimed specifically at new players, then perhaps the easiest thing to do is to link the torus to the ASC at a very basic level. No ASC fitted = torus only works from WP to planet to station: you've got to have the target green and centred. ASC fitted = torus in any direction you want to, as at present. This would keep the player in the lanes for their first several trips at least, without really affecting basic gameplay. It would of course make the ASC much more valuable, and the potential consequences of having it damaged would be much more severe. The occasional large offlane masslock net could also be placed to remind players why they should stick to the lanes ...
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Re: Split: Difficulty for new players

Post by Disembodied »

Zireael wrote:
If you don't have injectors and are a newbie, you might well get bored during those parts. So we need some optional way of skipping those boring parts.
You might - but the only options are 1) speeding up the player without breaking masslock and without giving them injectors (ruled out as game-breaking), 2) speeding up time (ruled out for technical reasons), and 3) dodging round the spacelanes (undesirable). A better solution would be to come up with other things for the player to do, and/or other things to look at and admire, during these (IMO necessary) slower parts of the game. Add more fun, in other words, and encourage new players to enjoy the whole game for what it is.
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Re: Split: Difficulty for new players

Post by Zireael »

You might - but the only options are 1) speeding up the player without breaking masslock and without giving them injectors (ruled out as game-breaking), 2) speeding up time (ruled out for technical reasons), and 3) dodging round the spacelanes (undesirable). A better solution would be to come up with other things for the player to do, and/or other things to look at and admire, during these (IMO necessary) slower parts of the game. Add more fun, in other words, and encourage new players to enjoy the whole game for what it is.
Good point.
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Re: Split: Difficulty for new players

Post by Norby »

"Space jams" is not a problem but a help: more part of the lanes stay empty if the same amount of ships are concentrated on fewer places, and there are no real jam, player and some NPCs can inject through regardless of the number of ships. I think in overall this can reduce the boring part of in-lane travels due to player will be slowed less times.

The size of possible ship clouds is something what hard to estimate, better to test it, so I still thinking on to make a torus-awarding OXP to try it and of course worth to make AIs to reduce the effect.

TAF: I think 2x can work on avereage PCs (if can 40FPS normally then can 20FPS with 2x) and 4x also with good hardware, so I can imagine a constantly adjusting version which set the multiplier to the currently handleable level after each frame. Injecting with 4x TAF can save about as much time as torus (7*4=28x vs. 32x).

How about a mixed solution: reduce torus speed to 7x but turn on 4x TAF also (2x if FPS is low) until no masslock. In this way we get similar time compression but injecting NPCs can keep step with player which solve the cheat problem.

Restrict torus if no ASC is another good idea imho.
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Re: Split: Difficulty for new players

Post by spara »

I like the idea of limiting the torus to the target of the compass heading.

Here's another random idea. What if there would be no torus driving, but small witchspace jumps? When not mass locked, the ship could inititate a 100 (?) km witchspace jump, with the usual witchspace countdown. This is something that could be added to the npcs too.
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Re: Split: Difficulty for new players

Post by hiasakite »

hi all - i have to say, I feel the current Torus drive is good - rather than change this, the challenge should be 'how do we make travel outside the space lanes more dangerous?' - to which idea of drones etc is fairly good (Separate thread) -
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Re: Split: Difficulty for new players

Post by Redspear »

metatheurgist wrote:
Disembodied wrote:
The disjointed sense would be - for me, anyway - more to do with the player's experience. I worry that a series of static jumps would detract from the sense of travelling a long distance, or even of being in the same system: it would be like jumping from one box of space to another box of space with a slightly bigger planet in the background.
Never enjoyed the sometimes half-hour flights from witchpoint to station in the original game. They were interesting the first few times but then they just became routine. I supposed that's kind of realistic, but not very fun. In Oolite I will deliberately choose short jumps just so I can burn all the way in on injectors, when that fails I rely on the fact that I bought a fast ship.
I grew up on speccy elite with its torus-drive that operated in similar fashion to that of Oolite, so I share Disembodied's concern here.
Having said that, there is little more frustrating in the game than trying to overtake a craft that is just slightly slower than you but is headed in the same direction. Ships headed in the opposite direction make a potentially interesting diversion but those going where you are going quickly become tiresome...
Disembodied wrote:
The question for any gameplay change should be, "Is this more fun?" If it's not more fun, then it shouldn't be changed. The torus drive is a wangle designed to allow the human player to cross large distances of space without expiring from boredom, and the masslock is a wangle designed to prevent the player from using their torus to scoot away from anything they don't want to meet. There is no need to give these player-only features to NPCs.
Very pertinent point there.
Games are full of 'wangles' of course and the trick is perhaps to make them as unobtrusive as possible.
cim wrote:
So working out a way - if one exists - to allow fast travel without making "off-lane" safer than "on-lane" would be very useful. It might not be possible without making too many other changes, of course, but there might well be something.
What if you could only be mass-locked by enties ahead of you?
You might have to catch up with that irksome trader on the edge of your scanner but you wouldn't need to have raced him off the other end of it before re-engaging torus.
This could kill half of the wait time.

Does torus speed need to be 32 times a ship's top speed (or whatever it currently is)?
IF it were to be considered for NPCs then might a set value be more useful to avoid traffic jams?
Disembodied wrote:
Zireael wrote:
If you don't have injectors and are a newbie, you might well get bored during those parts. So we need some optional way of skipping those boring parts.
You might - but the only options are 1) speeding up the player without breaking masslock and without giving them injectors (ruled out as game-breaking), 2) speeding up time (ruled out for technical reasons), and 3) dodging round the spacelanes (undesirable).
Can we be sure about this?
Disembodied wrote:
A better solution would be to come up with other things for the player to do, and/or other things to look at and admire, during these (IMO necessary) slower parts of the game. Add more fun, in other words, and encourage new players to enjoy the whole game for what it is.
Better, I would agree, but I suspect that is even more problematic to implement/fix than the torus-drive/jump issue. As I think I mentioned in the progress thread a while ago, witchpoint to station is very 'samey' from system to system (different danger levels and dockables, yes, but otherwise unremarkable).
Disembodied wrote:
If it's aimed specifically at new players, then perhaps the easiest thing to do is to link the torus to the ASC at a very basic level. No ASC fitted = torus only works from WP to planet to station: you've got to have the target green and centred. ASC fitted = torus in any direction you want to, as at present. This would keep the player in the lanes for their first several trips at least, without really affecting basic gameplay. It would of course make the ASC much more valuable, and the potential consequences of having it damaged would be much more severe. The occasional large offlane masslock net could also be placed to remind players why they should stick to the lanes ...
Good but still open to abuse. I can no longer torus-drive off lane but I could still probably save a lot of time by taking a little longer to head off lane and then torus in to the planet/station. This would tie the torus to the planet/station, not to the lane.
I appreciate that your "occasional large offlane masslock net" suggestion addresses that but once I'm offlane (whether deliberately or as a result of combat or similar) how do I get back?; tricky for a beginner as you need to estimate the direction.

Sorry if any of this comes across as nay-saying but the torus-drive is as old as my experiences with elite and any change here is likely to be a significant one.
I'm no coder and of course, it's very easy for me to bandy about suggestions that I don't have to implement but I hope that some of the above is helpful.

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Re: Split: Difficulty for new players

Post by Falcon777 »

The original discussion was in fact a question of how to balance beginner difficulty with experienced player ease. The idea of trying to "fix" the torus drive "problem" is interesting and all, but just out of curiosity, how does that play into the larger topic of beginner difficulty vs experienced ease? Is the torus drive really THAT big of a boon to players that have been around for a while? :?

I don't ask this to be bossy or to push the topic staying where it was at the beginning, but rather because I'm curious. I'm frankly not seeing the connection.
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Re: Split: Difficulty for new players

Post by Redspear »

Falcon777 wrote:
The original discussion was in fact a question of how to balance beginner difficulty with experienced player ease. The idea of trying to "fix" the torus drive "problem" is interesting and all, but just out of curiosity, how does that play into the larger topic of beginner difficulty vs experienced ease? Is the torus drive really THAT big of a boon to players that have been around for a while? :?
Well, I'd argue that there are two kinds of difficulty here: one being how tricky it is to acomplish things in game (e.g. how tough the pirates are); the other being how hard it is to engage a players interest (e.g. how long they must spend with non-skill related chores like trying to escape mass-lock). Both are important in terms of encouraging people to play the game.
Some tasks are not difficult but are tedious enough for us to avoid them. When we have tasted a little of their rewards that helps us to be patient but beginners (i.e. with no experience of elite or similar games) don't have that experience.

Thinking back to elite, there was no wichpoint beacon and no space-lane to get out of (not as far as I could tell anyway). Of course elite was more 'player-centric' in the sense that npc's could just pop up wherever the player was to make the game interesting for the player.
By populating the system to be less player-centric we need either a discrete lane or very short withpoint to planet distances in order to keep entity counts down relative to player npc interation (have I got that right? :? ).
The torus isn't the problem as such, it's the relation between the torus and the lane.

I know there are issues with populating a wider lane but what if engine flares or torus-drives showed up like laser fire in the distance? Could that be used to justify ship interceptions?... both to enable the player to act as a pirate/scavenger and to justify pirates and police showing up nearer to the player's location?

When we see laser fire (out of scanner range) we can choose to investigate or avoid that area. If it were the same with engine plumes (even if only when using injectors or torus) then we could perhaps justify larger lanes without increasing the system entity count. Pirates might not show up so much because they are waiting :twisted:

This would only stretch the lane so far, I realise, but that could be the drawback of the torus drive: you become a beacon to other ships in the system...

A flawed idea but it could be the start of something. I'm due a good idea his year :P
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Re: Split: Difficulty for new players

Post by Norby »

spara wrote:
I like the idea of limiting the torus to the target of the compass heading.

Here's another random idea. What if there would be no torus driving, but small witchspace jumps? When not mass locked, the ship could inititate a 100 (?) km witchspace jump, with the usual witchspace countdown. This is something that could be added to the npcs too.
I can live with these but I am afraid these are too far from the original game to be accepted as a core solution.
At OXP level maybe usable for some players.
hiasakite wrote:
'how do we make travel outside the space lanes more dangerous?' - to which idea of drones etc is fairly good
Good but not enough alone: Drones can detect roaming but if player has torus then zap through in a few seconds and NPCs can not intercept him in time. Some discussed solutions:
1) masslock net - need 16 times more entity which hit the limits of the game and vulnerable against sweeping,
2) drop torus and use jump gates - far from the original game,
3) restrict torus to compass - not enough if can start from offlane/go to the sun/etc.,
4) award torus to NPCs - can cause unpredictable problems, maybe should be award to fast combat ships only,
5) use the original time acceleration - hit hardware limits,
6) match torus speed to injectors and use a few time acceleration - maybe, you can test it here,
7) make more interesting things which can be done in lanes - surely good, but maybe not enough.
Redspear wrote:
trying to overtake a craft that is just slightly slower than you but is headed in the same direction
Maybe there are some telepathy here: without reading your post I just now made the [wiki]TimeSlip[/wiki] OXP which cut these times by half, using a comfortable way than before where you need to press more buttons to get the same effect.
Redspear wrote:
Games are full of 'wangles' of course and the trick is perhaps to make them as unobtrusive as possible.
Right, I suggested only to use it at last resort if we can not find a better balanced solution.
Redspear wrote:
What if you could only be mass-locked by enties ahead of you?
Logical idea, I like it, but it is another improvement which step over the classic rules, so I am afraid about acceptance.
Redspear wrote:
Does torus speed need to be 32 times a ship's top speed?
Maybe not if a good reason can convince the community. I think if we have more toruses for NPCs with different multipliers then ships will be catch each other at random locations due to the different speeds. There are some difference with a single torus also due to the different max.speeds, but with 2-3 different multiplier can spread out the speeds very widely.
Redspear wrote:
once I'm offlane (whether deliberately or as a result of combat or similar) how do I get back?; tricky for a beginner as you need to estimate the direction.
An OXP can put a large visual effect with beaconCode to the nearest point of the nearest lane, you only need to ask somebody to make it. ;)
Redspear wrote:
what if engine flares or torus-drives showed up like laser fire in the distance?
Torus show nothing and engine flares are counted into current visible ranges imho which is set by the game if a ship is shown at least as a dot (an average trader at 4x scanner range, small escorts at 2x). My Scout Drone use this idea to justify detection over scanner, but it is not a core level solution, or at least I will be surprised if the core developer team put it into the game.

To see injecting ships from larger distances is a nice and currently unimplemented idea, can be done at OXP level but maybe for player only to avoid high load.
Redspear wrote:
Thanks all for helping to make Oolite a great game :D
Your words can make it even better. :)
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Re: Split: Difficulty for new players

Post by Disembodied »

Falcon777 wrote:
The original discussion was in fact a question of how to balance beginner difficulty with experienced player ease. The idea of trying to "fix" the torus drive "problem" is interesting and all, but just out of curiosity, how does that play into the larger topic of beginner difficulty vs experienced ease? Is the torus drive really THAT big of a boon to players that have been around for a while? :?

I don't ask this to be bossy or to push the topic staying where it was at the beginning, but rather because I'm curious. I'm frankly not seeing the connection.
Like Redspear says, it's to do with the "spacelane problem". Beginner players often find that they can avoid the dangers and difficulties of the early game by dodging around the spacelanes (which are a product of the way Oolite populates a system), doing a whole lot of identikit trade runs, avoiding all traffic, until they've got enough money to equip their ship. This wasn't possible in Elite, but is possible in Oolite. It's not really about the torus drive at all.

This is a flaw in the design of the game: players can do a whole lot of mechanical, event-free trade runs, build up a supply of cash, kit out their ship, and only then start actually playing the game - which begs the question, should we not simply allow players to start with a moderately well-equipped ship to begin with? I think the answer to that is "no - we need to make the early game compelling, to draw new players in". Essentially, were looking at ways to persuade new players to play the whole game from the start - i.e. ways to keep them in the lane, in the traffic, and in the game.

Elite had a fairly brutal learning curve. In many ways, Oolite has an even more brutal learning curve, which had gone largely unremarked because so many people here were veteran players. At the moment, this is being addressed by altering the pirate population of safer systems, and by giving players non-combat-related methods of dealing with piracy (e.g. surrendering cargo). But it's still possible for players to exploit the structure of the game, go offlane, and avoid the early game entirely - so we're looking for ways to keep people in the lane, by persuasion if not by force.

This has also spun off into a somewhat separate discussion about the torus drive in general. I suggested modifying the torus to keep players in the lane, by limiting where the torus drive can be used (essentially, if players want to go offlane, they can - but it'll take them ages to fly, at standard speeds, to the station). The more I think about this, though, the more convinced I am that the best approach to the spacelane problem is not through fiddling with the game mechanics, but through altering the system populator to place dangerous pirate nets to catch off-laners (and maybe occasional Thargoid scouting parties, just to really put the willies up people). It doesn't have to be predictably dangerous to go offlane - in fact, it's probably better if it's unpredictable, but potentially very dangerous. It's more important to keep new players on the lanes, I think: once people are hooked into the game, we don't need to worry about them so much (and they can go off happily hunting down off-lane threats, too). But beginners should be enticed to play the game from the start.

Another thing to keep players on the lane is to give people something to do while getting out of masslock. This might be trickier; how and what can we do? I've found myself slightly obsessively checking out the names of ships provided by the Random Ship Names OXP. Perhaps there's some mileage there: perhaps we can generate - with a bit of scanning - some manifests for ships: where they've last been, the name of their commander, that sort of thing. Potted histories generated from a seed, in the same way that the planet descriptions are. It's more than a little trainspottery, I admit, but still ... There might also be potential in communicating with ships, in picking up and sharing news, maybe even getting a few tips and mini-missions for small financial rewards. Things to boost the game-in-the-head, in general. Being friendly might increase the chance that another merchant might help you out, too: bumping into an Anaconda convoy might not just be something you have to slog past, it might be something you can run to for help if you need it.

There could also be things to do inside your ship - mini-games, essentially; timewasters - to do with "smoothing your energy grid" or "maintaining ship systems" (this could stave off time to the next ship maintenance, or even be used for repairing damaged systems, or at least jury-rigging them). If I've got 5 minutes to kill, I might play a quick game of minesweeper: if something similar could be dressed up and presented in the game as doing something to the ship's systems, I might do that if I'm waiting out a masslock.

Another approach is to change how masslocking works. Personally, I think this is doomed: it's a huge, and very important, chunk of the game mechanics, and altering it is almost certainly going to be game-breaking. For example:
Redspear wrote:
What if you could only be mass-locked by enties ahead of you?
This would mean that the best defensive tactic is to get your attacker onto your six - then he's not masslocking you, and you can engage your torus drive and escape. Of course, this could be further adjusted by not letting people use the torus when in red alert, but this has further complications: what if you're in combat, and someone else lands a shot on your attacker, and he switches targets? You're no longer in red alert ... you can turn tail and press the escape button.

The torus is there to stop human players getting bored. The masslock is there to limit the torus, and to force player interaction. I don't see any benefit - any more fun being added - by giving them to NPCs: I do see problems being caused. Fundamentally, too, this doesn't address the problem of how to keep players on the lane. And to repeat: I see this as very much an early-game problem. Experienced players will soon get hold of injectors to take them past masslocks, if they want to, or can risk going offlane if they want to, if they're in a hurry to get to some piece of more advanced gameplay in some other part of the galaxy. The central question should be, how can we persuade new players to stay on the spacelane; and a secondary question is, can we find things for players to do during the stretches of standard flight to clear masslock.
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