Feel free to use my Oolite creations

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Feel free to use my Oolite creations

Post by Dr. Nil »

"Hi, everybody!"

It's been years since I visited the Oolite BB and I hope that you're all well.

My visit here is mainly to say this:

Everybody is free to use any of my ideas, models, and graphics for Oolite for anything they wish. Credits would be really nice but they are not strictly required.

You're welcome to keep my OXPs alive and updated with cool new models and textures. It's amazing to see, what has happened to Your Ad Here which started as a simple idea for some eye candy that everyone should be able to contribute to.

You may include the Dr. Nil character in any of your work. Use my ships in your OXPs. And who wouldn't like to see Commies developed into what it was meant to be - a menacing vision of Stalinism set in the Alien movie (without the alien). I bet somebody could produce some really cool replacement models and graphics for the stations and ships. Now how would the gigantic Workers' Commuters and tiny Astrogulag Mining Pods look if they had been conceived by Griff and Chris Foss for Oolite with shaders and all?

My OXPs were really just placeholders for ideas that I would have liked to see developed by others back when I made them.

It may be some years before I drop by again so thank you to all the nice people here. I encountered Oolite at a very tough time in my life and this community helped me in ways that I never mentioned or really thanked you all for.

Well done Commanders!

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Astromines and more in Commies.
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Re: Feel free to use my Oolite creations

Post by Disembodied »

Hey Doc, good to see you around! May your engines stay hot and your laser stay cool ... :D
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Re: Feel free to use my Oolite creations

Post by Rxke »

Nice to see you're doing well, Nil!
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Re: Feel free to use my Oolite creations

Post by RyanHoots »

I'm very interested in modifying a Purple Haze... thanks, Dr NIl! :D
The modified purple haze may appear in a mission I have in mind...
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Re: Feel free to use my Oolite creations

Post by DaddyHoggy »

I don't know - I go on holiday for a week and the Doc slips in to say hello!

Hope to catch you on the next orbit Doc!
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Re: Feel free to use my Oolite creations

Post by Amaranth »

Hi all, this is my first post.

Amending textures or reskinning is something I am enjoying as much as playing Oolite. Among my many OXPs I have Commies, and this is one where I have been playing with the textures. I have attached some screencaps below. If anyone is interested, I'll post the full size textures. I usually work in 2048x2048.

I'd like to thank Dr.Nil for being so open to invite mods to his OXP.

Astromine defender and Military Ray
Added texture derived from an ortho drawing of a fighter aircraft and amended the porthole window


Commie escape pod

Retextured using exterior texture of an early Soyuz re-entry capsule. The porthole and base images are also from a Soyuz capsule



Added aircraft texture, extra windows and 'flash' texture from a KGB Chaika car. I have brought in a different Hammer and Sickle logo also.


Mining pod

Retextured with generic rusty metal texture and redid cockpit dome


Military Ray

Retextured in same way as gulag defense craft



I have retextured this using the Coriolis texture from Xaotic's Gritty Coriolis OXP


Zero-Grav Factory

Again, uses the Gritty Coriolis main texture, with a improved resolution solar panel and retextured chimney, based on a cooling tower at a Russian power station. The pinkness is because in this system it was orbiting a very red star (kind of appropriate really ;-) )


Just give me a shout if you are interested in the full textures. I've also done quite a few other textures to retexture other OXPs, which I'd like to present on the future also.
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Re: Feel free to use my Oolite creations

Post by maik »

Wow, great textures! And welcome to the friendliest board this side of Riedquat :)

I always thought the Commies objects look a bit bland in my ooniverse in contrast to the others. Your textures would fit right in. How about releasing them as patch to commies (if possible)?

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Re: Feel free to use my Oolite creations

Post by Amaranth »

Thank you Maik. I have a few more textures still to complete for Commies before I have redone the whole set. I would assume that a patch OXP would simply contain the new textures in the appropriate subfolder and an updated readme.
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Re: Feel free to use my Oolite creations

Post by Smivs »

Hi Amaranth,
Very nice work.
Yes, just put them all in a Textures folder which can replace the original one. Obviously every texture must be replaced. Add a readme, and an appropriate licence.
Zip it up and post it somewhere for download.
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Re: Feel free to use my Oolite creations

Post by Gimi »

:shock: Well, that was pretty quick.
I mention a revamp of Commis here, and the next day you come along and say you are almost done.
8) Thank you, and this is absolutely of interest. Well done, and the textures look very nice.
I'll be waiting in anticipation.
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Re: Feel free to use my Oolite creations

Post by Killer Wolf »

nice work.

what's up w/ the triangles in the middle and corner of the solar panels though, i can't make out what they are.
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Re: Feel free to use my Oolite creations

Post by DaddyHoggy »

Killer Wolf wrote:
nice work.

what's up w/ the triangles in the middle and corner of the solar panels though, i can't make out what they are.
That looks like some faff with either the original polygon model or the texture itself (I'd go with the model - stray polygon or two...).

But as others have said - fantastic textures - and you're a very welcome addition to the forum!

Hope to see lots more!

Commies is a fantastic OXP and well deserving of such lovely work. Bravo!
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Re: Feel free to use my Oolite creations

Post by Amaranth »

Thanks for your replies, I'll let you into something - I've been working on these for a bit and it was reading the thread that Gimi referred to that inspired me to join as I had already got some artwork for Commies. Regarding the polygon errors for the ZGF, I think it is something to do with the rendering process as I have noticed this on a number of larger objects in the game.

I still have the Secret Police, the SLAPU, the docking bay, Viper and the Sunray to do before I have the full set.
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Re: Feel free to use my Oolite creations

Post by JazHaz »

Yes, I would like to see more. Commies has been in my OXP folder for some years now and to get some refreshed textures would be great.

Gimi wrote:
drew wrote:
£4,500 though! :shock: <Faints>
Maybe you could start a Kickstarter Campaign to found your £4500 pledge. 8)
Thanks to Gimi, I got an eBook in my inbox tonight (31st May 2014 - Release of Elite Reclamation)!
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Re: Feel free to use my Oolite creations

Post by Eric Walch »

Amaranth wrote:

I have retextured this using the Coriolis texture from Xaotic's Gritty Coriolis OXP


Zero-Grav Factory

Again, uses the Gritty Coriolis main texture, with a improved resolution solar panel and retextured chimney, based on a cooling tower at a Russian power station. The pinkness is because in this system it was orbiting a very red star (kind of appropriate really ;-) )

Looks great. I have worked in the past to improve the mesh of the "commamine", the "comfactory" and the "slapu". For these 3 I have a wingz file to work on when you like.

I am just a bit puzzled by the strange triangle bugs on the Zero Grav Factory ( =comfactory). The solar panel only consist of two triangles forming a big square. Where do the two small ones come from?
I did add a reflection map to the solar panel surface. I see it comes to maximum effect in your screen shot. Only the part that is supposed to reflect, does reflect. :wink:

On the Gulag I think I see an incompleteness. I added here a illumination map that only brightened the commies logo. It seems you relocated the logo to the right, but the corresponding area on the illumination map should also move to the right.

In the past I did some work on the oxp, but mainly on the scripting side. The things on the mesh and textures were just me experimenting a bit around. It is good to see that someone really does some updating on this oxp.
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