This story was inspired by the time, when my computer crashed during it upgrade to 15.10, destroying my save files, including the Oolite ones with my Wonderworm in it. So starting legit, I've decided to give a little story to accompany my repossession of the glorious Wonderworm! While this isn't the first time, I've writtten a story, it's my first on the Oolite BB, so hope you enjoy!

Tail of the Lost Wonderworm
“Once apon a time, there was mushroom mushroom mushroom… who lived in a floral nusery on Xexedi. (Fungai count as plants in the Ooniverse?)
But this was no ordinary mushroom. For he was a blessed (some say cursed, but whatever, it's still the same thing), with the gift of sentience! With that gift, he rose up and pulled himself from the dream crushing roots he were bound to! Being a nocturnal organism he went on adventures around the nursery at night as he hopped around undetected. Soon he learnt that he had the power of tel-tel-tel”
The old man stuttered.
“Tele...argh. Never get that word right. Never mind.
He learnt that he had the 'power of moving things with his mind', powers!”
“You said power twice.”
Larry, decided that the man across him wasn't insane, or a school drop out. He was both.
“With these powers, he escaped the nursery and became free! Disguised as a disabled alien, he he made a name for himself as a psychologist, healing the mental injuries of the long hard work days on Xexedi. The glorious mushroom saved up enough credits to buy a Cobra! Tired of his old profession, he began to explore the stars! Jumping around the 8 galaxies and making a new name for himself, as Commander DuDuDu. Soon, he was your go to guy for Thargoid invasions, assassinations, over throwing dictators, and finding long lost worlds (they say he stalked Rebeca and Jim on their adventures). DuDuDu, while on his travels, came across the most sacred ship of all time. The Wonderworm. It was floating, left for dead in the Great Rift by it's old owner (who was splattered all over the back wall of the cockpit). He spent months cleaning it, repairing it, and outfitting it, when finally, it was finished. DuDuDu had the ultimate trophy, his very own functioning Wonderworm! It was his pride and joy. But soon, his glamorous life of lasers and ladies, came to an end. His ship was refuelling at a fuel station in a system at the edge of the Rift Worlds when he was ambushed by his enemies. He fought till the very end, when his engines where destroyed. But the whole time, the fuel station had also been taking damage! A missile targeted at DuDuDu found itself hitting the fuel station instead. The explosion sped DuDuDu off into the rift, at enormous speeds (you should try that. Just shoot at the Gal navy defense force and hide in the fuel station. Be prepared for the ride of your life.) The acceleration killed the mushroom, but the integrity of the Wonderworm allowed it to survive. Legend has it, that 20 years on, the Wonderworm will arrive on the other side of the Rift, and waiting for it, will be it's next owner. Who may suffer a similar fate to the Great DuDuDu...”
“Seriously? I pay you 12 credits to tell me about milk runs and you give me this?”
Larry felt cheated.
“Wait! There is also a secret station between Labe and Maedrebe!”
Larry walked away. He slowly walked back to his ship. This was a terrible idea. Spending all his money on a Cobra? At least it was nicely outfitted. Trying to impress his girl by going into space? Well it was a good idea in theory, maybe not so much in practise. Hell, he didn't even know what those numbers on the charts meant. At least he knew that they couldn't go over 15...
He walked around the station. He had no idea what to do. Then suddenly, a blaring alarm went off.
"Thargoid attack detected! All combat capable pilots, report to your ships immediately and launch! Repeat, all combat capably ships are to be scrambled in defence of the space station!"
A Thargoid attack? In Lave? He heard boots running against the hard metal of the floor as swarms of pilots rushed passed him into the hanger bays. He felt something crash into his legs. He looked down, as a penguin rubbed it head with it's flippers.
"Where are you going human? Hanger's that way! Unless you want the word coward rubbed all over your ship."
The penguin ran off. Great. Larry thought. Now if, I don't go and suicide, I'll have radioactive paint scrubbed all over my ship. The sound of engines lighting up entered his ears. Lasers were heard hitting the station hull. Suddenly, he felt a great surge emotion as he walked to the hanger.
To be continued....