I want to get this sorted next. Text is ready and I can sort the ebook pretty sharpish too, but we need a cover.
If you'd like to contribute something else, you've got until the end of February 2012 to do it. Then this excellent collection of stories goes live... Please post entries up in this thread.
1. Design a cover page for the upcoming Oolite anthology 'Alien Items'
2. Ideally should reflect an aspect of one, more or some of the stories featured in the anthology (list below)
3. Should be available in png format at a resolution of 1650x2550
4. Link a low res jpg here on this thread for viewing
List of Stories
Virtuous Misfortune - Dylan Smith
Carver's Anarchy - Ganelon
Nine - Drew Wagar
Calliope - Blaze O'Glory
Coyote - El Viejo
Ascension - Drew Wagar
Local Midnight in the Vacuum Bar - Blaze O'Glory
Snake Charming - John Hoggard
Schism - Drew Wagar
Vakume Danserz - Ganelon
Negotiations of Failure - Commander Wvyern
Lazarus - John Hoggard
Replay - Drew Wagar
Notable scenes from the stories:
A Brain in a jar surrounded by Thargoids
Epic space battles featuring a battered looking but surprisingly potent Cobra Mk3
Graffiti on Cobra
A Lizard held captive on a freighter
An Adder crash-landing near an ancient Cathedral
Captain Hesperus at gunpoint, trading, crashing etc
Trumbles eating through wiring
A somewhat scantily dressed young lady and her new ship
A generation ship
Coyote brandishing his ancient projectile weapon (read pistol)
A mad professor jumping into witchspace
Here are the entries so far...

Killer Wolf


Would be great to see some more... get painting, pixelling or whatever!