Here's a little short story for you fine commanders at the BB. This short story is very unlike most other Oolite fanfic. It's a story NOT set in the Ooniverse, but set in the real world. About somebody playing Oolite for the first time.
Josh walked up to his brother's computer. He was always snooping around his brother's things. He didn't see the Windows Seven desktop, but instead something very strange. It looked like the computer was the controls for a... spaceship! Josh sat down and looked at the screen. "Press 'P' to resume. Looks like I know what to do."
Josh took a look at the display. Energy, shields. So far, okay. LT and CT? What in the world?
He looked at the keyboard. He pressed the down arrow key, guessing the controls. He was right. He soon got steering down. Now what? He looked at what seemed to be a radar system of some kind. Nothing. Good. Then a purple dot appeared on the top edge, getting closer. Heading for him?
An alarm sounded. The radar blip started flashing purple and pink. An enemy? "By Lord Giles, where's the weapon controls?" Who the heck is 'Lord Giles' and why did I just say that?
A purple beam shot across the screen. A weapon? He looked at the keyboard again. He pressed "T".
Missile armed
"Okay, now we're getting somewhere!" He wondered how to fire it at the enemy. He pressed "U".
Missiles on safety.
"Oh, great! What button did I push to turn on the stupid missiles?" He could see the laser had got his shieds down to just about none. His energy was going.
Game Over.
Score: Competent (563), 204 058.2 Cr.
Press Space, Commander
Just then Josh's brother walked in. He was VERY angery because he had crossed the galaxy, doubled his kill count, and made a ton of money, without saving the game once along the way. He was a fugitive.
Short story: Be careful what you wish for
Moderators: winston, another_commander
Re: Short story: Be careful what you wish for
Very nice! I can totally see my little brothers doing that. Especially since I did it to my big brother. 

Over 27 million people are enslaved worldwide. Roughly 143 million orphans in the world.
That's enough kids to go three times around the equator.
Every day hundreds scream for attention and every minute thousands cry for help. Which one will you answer?
That's enough kids to go three times around the equator.
Every day hundreds scream for attention and every minute thousands cry for help. Which one will you answer?