Short Story - "Here's To Your Demise"
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Short Story - "Here's To Your Demise"
Here's my first Oolite short story. I do a lot of fiction writing, but this is my first sci-fi.
Here's To Your Demise
A short story by Dragonfire
The Red Wyvern's sirens blared. "Another incoming missile?" Lukas Criitu rolled his eyes. "Fire ECM."
The computers beeped, indicating the command had been recieved. Lukas glanced at the IFF scope. "Blasted hardhead." He punched the red fuel injection, and pulled his Wyvern into a hard roll. The missile continued its approach.
Lukas pulled up, still rolling. Hardhead interceptor, no doubt. "Jettison chaff."
An explosion shook the ship. "IronHide has been damaged," cooed the gentle female voice. "Initiating auto repair."
"I have got to change that voice. She sounds like she actually enjoys being blown to pieces." Lukas turned the Wyvern around and locked onto the Griff's Mamba. The reticle turned red, and he fired.
The mamba turned around and returned fire, before zooming overhead.
"Why must they always do that? Switch to aft view."
The screen flickerd and changed, showing the departing Mamba.
"Oh, sure, buzz me, then use your fuel injectors." Lukas fired a few times, but the Mamba continued its departure. "I ain't letting five hundred creds get away that easily. Switch to forward view."
The screen changed again, and Lukas turned around and activated his fuel injection. "Arm lawmaker missile."
"Lawmaker missile armed."
The pylons beneath the Wyvern whirred and clattered. The missile whooshed as it departed. Lukas adjusted his aim and fired to draw the Mamba back towards him.
The lawmaker detonated halfway between the two ships.
"What is he outfitted with? Mambas are not supposed to be this blasted fast!" Lukas glanced at the energy meters. Even without the ironhide, he would have to risk a temporary power drop. "Arm stun bomb."
"Stun bomb armed."
"Can't you go any faster?" Lukas nosed up and started heading away from the mamba at a right angle. He killed the fuel injectors and slowed. The mamba vanished off his IFF, and the status light blinked from red to green.
After a moment, he turned back towards Xeer and engaged his jumpdrive. It didn't take long to spot the mamba up ahead - a yellow and purple blip on the IFF. "Lock ident onto fugitive."
The sights closed around the distant ship. Another push with the fuel injectors, and Lukas closed the distance. "Fire stun bomb."
"Bomb cannot be launched," came the sultry female voice.
"Why not?" Lukas yelled.
The CommLog flashed on the screen. "This is the RZ Space Bar. Please do not use stun bombs within range of our establishment."
"You have got to be kidding me!"
The Mamba rolled left and began docking into the space bar.
"Fine, if you want to play it this way..." Lukas waited for the Mamba to finish its docking procedures, then he steered the Wyvern towards the bay.
The Red Wyvern docked, and Lukas powered it down. Putting on his helmet, he opened the door and proceeded into the docking bay and towards the bar entrance.
The airlock hissed as it closed. Lukas removed his helmet, keeping to the wall of the bar to avoid being stepped on by careless patrons. Being a rat had its advantages, but size usually did not make the list.
"Leesti Evil Juice, on the rocks." A green furry feline sat down at the bar.
Lukas scrambled up one of the vacant bar stools and sat down. "Mini trumble burger and a lime water."
The cat looked over and licked his lips. "Come here often?"
"Every once in a while." Lukas narrowed his eyes. "Don't let size fool you, kitty. I'm a laser happy rat."
"Of sorts."
"Me too." The feline picked up his drink and took a sip. "Spaceways are rather brutal today," he purred.
"You're telling me."
"I've had four different hunters, and a mess of GalCops, try and take me today. In fact, I just gave one fellow the slip."
"I fought one earlier today."
This kitty certainly sounded like the mamba pilot.
"We may have been running from the same guy, then. A red wyvern?"
"Yep. He actually had the nerve to try a lawmaker on me. As if I wouldn't be carrying ECM." Lukas grinned to himself. Ironically, the encounter had happened just that way in the last system.
"I know, right? The same happened to me just a few minutes ago." The feline glanced over his shoulder. "He had better not have the nerve to dock in here. Otherwise, I'm liable to clock him."
"If you spot him, point him out to me." Lukas patted his phaser.
The feline chuckled. "A rat packing heat. That's a new one to me."
"Do I look dumb enough not to be?"
The cat turned away and took a sip of his evil juice. "Not really. You're just the first I've run into that does."
"You obviously don't get out much."
The insectoid bairmaid set the burger and water down in front of Lukas. She clicked and pointed to the ketchup bottle across the counter.
"Tell you what, I'll buy you a drink to go with that burger."
"I'm fine with my water."
"You don't drink?"
"Not if I can help it. I like to keep my senses sharp."
The cat shrugged. "I always seem to do better when I'm a bit buzzed."
Lukas took a bite, then glanced at the bottle. "Say, would you mind passing that ketchup? I can't reach it."
The feline opened the bottle and turned it upside down, tapping the bottom. "You'd think with all of our advances in technology, they'd start putting squeeze bottles out here."
"I agree. That's good, thank you."
The cat capped the bottle and set it back down. He took another sip. "Say, you strike me as something of a loner like me. What do you say we partner up for a few days. Battles are always easier with two."
Lukas shook his head. "No, thank you. I do better alone."
"Suit yourself."
Lukas finished off his burger. "I really should be going. I want to make Zaonce before the price on radioactives drops again. I've picked up quite a bit over the past couple days." He set his payment on the counter, then climbed down to the floor.
"Best of luck to you, rat. May our paths cross again soon."
"They may cross sooner than you think." Lukas put on his helmet and scampered towards the airlock. As the door shut behind him, he scanned the bay. A single Griff's Mamba sat between a Python and a Tiger Mark I. Lukas scampered up into his Red Wyvern and pulled a tracking device from a compartment.
He stuck his head out and looked around for the cat. No sign of him. Lukas scampered across the bay, and up the side of the Mamba. Once on the top, he set the tracking device down. It whirred and opened, extending a small antenna.
The airlock opened, and Lukas hopped down from the Mamba, ducking behind the Tiger Mark I. A lobsteroid emerged, and the door shut again.
Running back to the Red Wyvern, Lukas fired up his ship and backed out of the dock. The CommLink flashed. "This is the RZ Space Bar. Your payment has been recieved. Please come again soon."
Lukas flew away from the space bar, then stopped and turned to watch the docking bay. After a few minutes, the Griff's Mamba emerged.
"Target aquired," came the computer's voice.
"Arm stun bomb."
"Stun bomb armed."
Lukas waited for the Griff's Mamba to vanish off the IFF scope, then he kicked in the fuel injectors. He glanced at the screen. The tracking device was still holding Ident's attention.
With the space bar now out of range, Lukas aimed his sights on the Mamba. "Fire stun bomb."
The pylon mounts clattered, and the bomb whizzed towards its target. A flash,and the Mamba began gyrating in place.
"Arm cutpurse missile."
"Cutpurse missile armed."
Another clatter and whoosh. Several tons of cargo jettisoned from the Mamba's cargo bay.
Lukas moved closer, the computer trilling as the scoops processed a cargo container. He fired until the Mamba began throwing sparks.
A single escape pod launched from the ailing Mamba. Lukas nosed up and flew towards it, chucking as it came into the fuel scoops.
"You've captured Nyoost Beruu," cooed the computer.
"Thank you very much." Lukas scooped the remainder of the cargo, then aimed his lasers at the Mamba and fired. A yellow flash illuminated the bridge.
"Initate communications with the escape pod in the cargo bay."
The screen flickered, and the video comm appeared. Beruu's expression changed from anger to shock. "You're..."
Lukas grinned. "Like I told you. I'm a laser happy rat."
Here's To Your Demise
A short story by Dragonfire
The Red Wyvern's sirens blared. "Another incoming missile?" Lukas Criitu rolled his eyes. "Fire ECM."
The computers beeped, indicating the command had been recieved. Lukas glanced at the IFF scope. "Blasted hardhead." He punched the red fuel injection, and pulled his Wyvern into a hard roll. The missile continued its approach.
Lukas pulled up, still rolling. Hardhead interceptor, no doubt. "Jettison chaff."
An explosion shook the ship. "IronHide has been damaged," cooed the gentle female voice. "Initiating auto repair."
"I have got to change that voice. She sounds like she actually enjoys being blown to pieces." Lukas turned the Wyvern around and locked onto the Griff's Mamba. The reticle turned red, and he fired.
The mamba turned around and returned fire, before zooming overhead.
"Why must they always do that? Switch to aft view."
The screen flickerd and changed, showing the departing Mamba.
"Oh, sure, buzz me, then use your fuel injectors." Lukas fired a few times, but the Mamba continued its departure. "I ain't letting five hundred creds get away that easily. Switch to forward view."
The screen changed again, and Lukas turned around and activated his fuel injection. "Arm lawmaker missile."
"Lawmaker missile armed."
The pylons beneath the Wyvern whirred and clattered. The missile whooshed as it departed. Lukas adjusted his aim and fired to draw the Mamba back towards him.
The lawmaker detonated halfway between the two ships.
"What is he outfitted with? Mambas are not supposed to be this blasted fast!" Lukas glanced at the energy meters. Even without the ironhide, he would have to risk a temporary power drop. "Arm stun bomb."
"Stun bomb armed."
"Can't you go any faster?" Lukas nosed up and started heading away from the mamba at a right angle. He killed the fuel injectors and slowed. The mamba vanished off his IFF, and the status light blinked from red to green.
After a moment, he turned back towards Xeer and engaged his jumpdrive. It didn't take long to spot the mamba up ahead - a yellow and purple blip on the IFF. "Lock ident onto fugitive."
The sights closed around the distant ship. Another push with the fuel injectors, and Lukas closed the distance. "Fire stun bomb."
"Bomb cannot be launched," came the sultry female voice.
"Why not?" Lukas yelled.
The CommLog flashed on the screen. "This is the RZ Space Bar. Please do not use stun bombs within range of our establishment."
"You have got to be kidding me!"
The Mamba rolled left and began docking into the space bar.
"Fine, if you want to play it this way..." Lukas waited for the Mamba to finish its docking procedures, then he steered the Wyvern towards the bay.
The Red Wyvern docked, and Lukas powered it down. Putting on his helmet, he opened the door and proceeded into the docking bay and towards the bar entrance.
The airlock hissed as it closed. Lukas removed his helmet, keeping to the wall of the bar to avoid being stepped on by careless patrons. Being a rat had its advantages, but size usually did not make the list.
"Leesti Evil Juice, on the rocks." A green furry feline sat down at the bar.
Lukas scrambled up one of the vacant bar stools and sat down. "Mini trumble burger and a lime water."
The cat looked over and licked his lips. "Come here often?"
"Every once in a while." Lukas narrowed his eyes. "Don't let size fool you, kitty. I'm a laser happy rat."
"Of sorts."
"Me too." The feline picked up his drink and took a sip. "Spaceways are rather brutal today," he purred.
"You're telling me."
"I've had four different hunters, and a mess of GalCops, try and take me today. In fact, I just gave one fellow the slip."
"I fought one earlier today."
This kitty certainly sounded like the mamba pilot.
"We may have been running from the same guy, then. A red wyvern?"
"Yep. He actually had the nerve to try a lawmaker on me. As if I wouldn't be carrying ECM." Lukas grinned to himself. Ironically, the encounter had happened just that way in the last system.
"I know, right? The same happened to me just a few minutes ago." The feline glanced over his shoulder. "He had better not have the nerve to dock in here. Otherwise, I'm liable to clock him."
"If you spot him, point him out to me." Lukas patted his phaser.
The feline chuckled. "A rat packing heat. That's a new one to me."
"Do I look dumb enough not to be?"
The cat turned away and took a sip of his evil juice. "Not really. You're just the first I've run into that does."
"You obviously don't get out much."
The insectoid bairmaid set the burger and water down in front of Lukas. She clicked and pointed to the ketchup bottle across the counter.
"Tell you what, I'll buy you a drink to go with that burger."
"I'm fine with my water."
"You don't drink?"
"Not if I can help it. I like to keep my senses sharp."
The cat shrugged. "I always seem to do better when I'm a bit buzzed."
Lukas took a bite, then glanced at the bottle. "Say, would you mind passing that ketchup? I can't reach it."
The feline opened the bottle and turned it upside down, tapping the bottom. "You'd think with all of our advances in technology, they'd start putting squeeze bottles out here."
"I agree. That's good, thank you."
The cat capped the bottle and set it back down. He took another sip. "Say, you strike me as something of a loner like me. What do you say we partner up for a few days. Battles are always easier with two."
Lukas shook his head. "No, thank you. I do better alone."
"Suit yourself."
Lukas finished off his burger. "I really should be going. I want to make Zaonce before the price on radioactives drops again. I've picked up quite a bit over the past couple days." He set his payment on the counter, then climbed down to the floor.
"Best of luck to you, rat. May our paths cross again soon."
"They may cross sooner than you think." Lukas put on his helmet and scampered towards the airlock. As the door shut behind him, he scanned the bay. A single Griff's Mamba sat between a Python and a Tiger Mark I. Lukas scampered up into his Red Wyvern and pulled a tracking device from a compartment.
He stuck his head out and looked around for the cat. No sign of him. Lukas scampered across the bay, and up the side of the Mamba. Once on the top, he set the tracking device down. It whirred and opened, extending a small antenna.
The airlock opened, and Lukas hopped down from the Mamba, ducking behind the Tiger Mark I. A lobsteroid emerged, and the door shut again.
Running back to the Red Wyvern, Lukas fired up his ship and backed out of the dock. The CommLink flashed. "This is the RZ Space Bar. Your payment has been recieved. Please come again soon."
Lukas flew away from the space bar, then stopped and turned to watch the docking bay. After a few minutes, the Griff's Mamba emerged.
"Target aquired," came the computer's voice.
"Arm stun bomb."
"Stun bomb armed."
Lukas waited for the Griff's Mamba to vanish off the IFF scope, then he kicked in the fuel injectors. He glanced at the screen. The tracking device was still holding Ident's attention.
With the space bar now out of range, Lukas aimed his sights on the Mamba. "Fire stun bomb."
The pylon mounts clattered, and the bomb whizzed towards its target. A flash,and the Mamba began gyrating in place.
"Arm cutpurse missile."
"Cutpurse missile armed."
Another clatter and whoosh. Several tons of cargo jettisoned from the Mamba's cargo bay.
Lukas moved closer, the computer trilling as the scoops processed a cargo container. He fired until the Mamba began throwing sparks.
A single escape pod launched from the ailing Mamba. Lukas nosed up and flew towards it, chucking as it came into the fuel scoops.
"You've captured Nyoost Beruu," cooed the computer.
"Thank you very much." Lukas scooped the remainder of the cargo, then aimed his lasers at the Mamba and fired. A yellow flash illuminated the bridge.
"Initate communications with the escape pod in the cargo bay."
The screen flickered, and the video comm appeared. Beruu's expression changed from anger to shock. "You're..."
Lukas grinned. "Like I told you. I'm a laser happy rat."
Last edited by Dragonfire on Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- drew
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Re: Short Story - "Here's To Your Demise"
Good story there, perhaps a little too predictable, but a fun read. Let's see some more!
- DaddyHoggy
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Re: Short Story - "Here's To Your Demise"
Short and "sweet" - so to speak - perhaps I mean "neat"...
There's lots of sound references I notice - lots of sounds you couldn't possibly have heard.
There's lots of sound references I notice - lots of sounds you couldn't possibly have heard.
Oolite Life is now revealed hereSelezen wrote:Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
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Re: Short Story - "Here's To Your Demise"
I figured that, from the cockpit of a ship, you'd hear some mechanics, especially right under the bridge (like on the Wyvern).
- DaddyHoggy
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Re: Short Story - "Here's To Your Demise"
Dragonfire wrote:I figured that, from the cockpit of a ship, you'd hear some mechanics, especially right under the bridge (like on the Wyvern).
No excuses for this one though...An explosion rang out, and the Mamba began gyrating in place.

Oolite Life is now revealed hereSelezen wrote:Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
- drew
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Re: Short Story - "Here's To Your Demise"
Unless your 'Omni-Direct-Situation-Feedback-Audio-Emersive-Interface' is fully powered up. 

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Re: Short Story - "Here's To Your Demise"
Ah HAH, good point there, DH. No sound in space. >.<
I think that comes from writing fantasy for so long, actually. I'm used to explosions having sound.
I think that comes from writing fantasy for so long, actually. I'm used to explosions having sound.
Re: Short Story - "Here's To Your Demise"
I find it ironic that the villain is a feline... Why are there so many against cats?
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Re: Short Story - "Here's To Your Demise"
What do you expect, sis? I'm a rat! 

Re: Short Story - "Here's To Your Demise"
Touché. But falcons, hawks, owls, snakes, and a great many other animals enjoy roasted rat too. 

Over 27 million people are enslaved worldwide. Roughly 143 million orphans in the world.
That's enough kids to go three times around the equator.
Every day hundreds scream for attention and every minute thousands cry for help. Which one will you answer?
That's enough kids to go three times around the equator.
Every day hundreds scream for attention and every minute thousands cry for help. Which one will you answer?
- Smivs
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Re: Short Story - "Here's To Your Demise"
As do Pumpkins!Caladwen wrote:Touché. But falcons, hawks, owls, snakes, and a great many other animals enjoy roasted rat too.
And as nobody else has, Welcome to the friendliest board this side of Riedquat, fair Maiden.
Commander Smivs, the friendliest Gourd this side of Riedquat.
Re: Short Story - "Here's To Your Demise"
Thank you, I'm still trying to figure everything out but so far I'm enjoying it. 

Over 27 million people are enslaved worldwide. Roughly 143 million orphans in the world.
That's enough kids to go three times around the equator.
Every day hundreds scream for attention and every minute thousands cry for help. Which one will you answer?
That's enough kids to go three times around the equator.
Every day hundreds scream for attention and every minute thousands cry for help. Which one will you answer?
- RyanHoots
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Re: Short Story - "Here's To Your Demise"
Next time I release a story (likely October), I need to make a rat a bag guy.Caladwen wrote:I find it ironic that the villain is a feline... Why are there so many against cats?

- drew
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Re: Short Story - "Here's To Your Demise"
Clearly you haven't met my cat.Caladwen wrote:I find it ironic that the villain is a feline... Why are there so many against cats?