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by LittleBear
Fri Jan 07, 2022 5:17 pm
Forum: Discussion
Topic: YouTube playthroughs
Replies: 286
Views: 58856

Re: YouTube playthroughs

Saw you were having some difficulties targeting things. Normally you can only target an object if it is within 25km away. Telescope OXZ changes this an allows you to target Stations and Planets however far away they are. However, telescope will lock onto the nearest station / planet, so you can find...
by LittleBear
Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:28 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Scripters cove
Replies: 1724
Views: 746222

Re: Scripters cove

You could do it by adding a script to the station as it will only detect you when you come within scanner ranger. If you have a look at the station script for the Space Bars in Random Hits, they have some code to send a greetings message (if the player is clean) or a warning message if not:- if (pla...
by LittleBear
Thu Jan 06, 2022 9:18 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Hints OXZ (Development Thread)
Replies: 168
Views: 48844

Re: Education

Setting choices is needed for that. But it's fairly easy to do. If you want to be particularly cunning you can cross-ref to descriptions for some random descriptions of the drinks. in mission text set up some choices like this:- "bar_names_menu1" = { "1_DRINK1" = "Order [bar...
by LittleBear
Thu Jan 06, 2022 4:01 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Hints OXZ (Development Thread)
Replies: 168
Views: 48844

Re: Education

Having a "Visit the Station Bar" on the F4 Screen might be a way to go for that. This script would let you give a randomly picked item each time. Although you might want to also add a timer so the messages change over time. You could also add tests for Government type, economy or station t...
by LittleBear
Thu Jan 06, 2022 2:45 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Hints OXZ (Development Thread)
Replies: 168
Views: 48844

Re: Education

I think news broadcasts with GNN would be quite an immersive way of introducing these sort of things. Information about missions at special stations could be done with a news item reporting on the fact. Guidance on how to do cargo contracts could be given indirectly by the news reporting on the mis-...
by LittleBear
Thu Dec 30, 2021 8:26 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Galactic Almanac OXZ - Full Version 0.93 (Updated 04.05.24 - Now on the Expansion Manager)
Replies: 143
Views: 77420

Re: Galactic Almanac OXP - Beta 1 (Updated to B1.5 - 30.12.21)

Had a look at the code and saw you have persistent stations and some that can appear by random chance (avoiding spoilers). So if your okay with this I'll add hand placed names for the persistent ones eg. "Fort Jameson", or whatever the authors would like to suggest as fixed names. For non-...
by LittleBear
Thu Dec 30, 2021 3:48 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Galactic Almanac OXZ - Full Version 0.93 (Updated 04.05.24 - Now on the Expansion Manager)
Replies: 143
Views: 77420

Re: Galactic Almanac OXP - Beta 1 (Updated to B1.5 - 30.12.21)

The errors it is throwing are harmless (but are a fault with my code). Basically, both of these stations have beacons but can replace the main station and be called as an extra station orbiting an extra planet by Extra Stations for Extra Planets. As native Oolite automatically adds a beacon to the M...
by LittleBear
Thu Dec 30, 2021 12:24 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Galactic Almanac OXZ - Full Version 0.93 (Updated 04.05.24 - Now on the Expansion Manager)
Replies: 143
Views: 77420

Re: Galactic Almanac OXP - Beta 1

Beta 1.5 is now available.

Documentation and downloadlink on the Wiki Page (on my signature).

I'll update the first page.


Download link is now on the Wiki Page (link to Wiki Page on my Signature) and in the 1st Post.
by LittleBear
Wed Dec 29, 2021 5:16 am
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Galactic Almanac OXZ - Full Version 0.93 (Updated 04.05.24 - Now on the Expansion Manager)
Replies: 143
Views: 77420

Re: Galactic Almanac OXP - Beta 1

Pretty much there now with making Beta 1.5 fully support Strangers World. Screen Shots below show the OXZ running on Strangers World. 1) Detects if the Stranger's World Planetary Systems OXZ is installed and gives an Almanac Unavailable Screen until Stranger's World has set up the system. Workaround...
by LittleBear
Fri Dec 24, 2021 1:03 am
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Galactic Almanac OXZ - Full Version 0.93 (Updated 04.05.24 - Now on the Expansion Manager)
Replies: 143
Views: 77420

Re: Galactic Almanac OXP - Beta 1

Update, Beta 1.5 will be compatible with Strangers World as well as Telescope, System Redux and Orbits. I have found the problem. It is that Strangers World is using the old method of adding planets and moons in batches when the player launches and exits hyperspace rather than using the modern metho...
by LittleBear
Tue Dec 21, 2021 4:54 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Galactic Almanac OXZ - Full Version 0.93 (Updated 04.05.24 - Now on the Expansion Manager)
Replies: 143
Views: 77420

Re: Galactic Almanac OXP - Beta 1

I'd had a poke through Telescope's code and saw that when you appear to be targeting an object more than 25 Kms away you are actually targeting a ship called "Telescope Marker" - Cunning!. I think this is why some objects were appearing as undefined as the MFD was reporting information on ...
by LittleBear
Tue Dec 21, 2021 1:03 am
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Galactic Almanac OXZ - Full Version 0.93 (Updated 04.05.24 - Now on the Expansion Manager)
Replies: 143
Views: 77420

Re: Galactic Almanac OXP - Beta 1

Beta 1.5 (finishing off at the moment) will make telescope and the MFD computable as the MFD will now read the target markers added by telescope. As far as the Almanac is concerned, the MFD will only show objects transmitting a beacon readable with an ASC. So if you haven't added a beacon to your st...
by LittleBear
Mon Dec 20, 2021 1:49 pm
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Screenshots
Replies: 6857
Views: 2065495

Re: Screenshots

But he had an Offender Tag Officer. It was self-defence.


by LittleBear
Mon Dec 13, 2021 10:29 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: [Beta] Release of Telescope 2.0
Replies: 134
Views: 72044

Re: [Beta] Release of Telescope 2.0

Really like the Telescope Options add on as I prefer not to have the mass lock rings visible. I've had the same odd issue as Arquebus however, including it breaking my save file. I installed V2 of Telescope, Gravity Extender and Station Options. All worked perfectly and I used the Options to turn of...
by LittleBear
Mon Dec 13, 2021 2:12 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Galactic Almanac OXZ - Full Version 0.93 (Updated 04.05.24 - Now on the Expansion Manager)
Replies: 143
Views: 77420

Re: Galactic Almanac OXP - Beta 1

EDITED as found the cause of the bug wasn't what I first thought! EDIT 2 : This Bug is fixed by Cag's Version 2.0 of Telescope. I’ve been mainly focusing on optimising the MFD code and adding the ships to the database (just 10 more to check now). However, I have found the problem with Planet and Sta...