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by Roberto
Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:03 am
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Leaving
Replies: 70
Views: 25397

@ Ahruman Yes, I'm clearly an outrageous liar! I doubt there's been much breath-holding, though :) The reasons for my extended absence are probably fairly typical - basically, increased busyness and frustration at the lack of progress on an OXP I was working on. Now I'm just here to play :) (If anyo...
by Roberto
Wed Nov 11, 2009 10:46 am
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Meta OXPs
Replies: 21
Views: 8219

I'll make this suggestion once more and then shut up on the subject... :) Ratings and a top-50 list on (or accessible from) the main OXP page would enable newcomers (and those, like me, who've been away for a while) to get up and running with the most celebrated OXPs quickly, while also dissuading t...
by Roberto
Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:13 pm
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Leaving
Replies: 70
Views: 25397

Hello all! Looks like I picked a dark day to randomly drop by after months (years?) of Oolite absence... As someone who now has very little idea of the current state of the Ooniverse (the basics of this dispute aside), I'd like to make a suggestion: The idea of this "mega-OXP", as I unders...
by Roberto
Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:20 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Just when I thought I was out...
Replies: 159
Views: 59027

I'll have to return to this later today, but here's what I'm thinking (to begin with): 1. Store lists of items, destination planets and delivery times in descriptions.plist. 2. Have script.plist set variables based on these, thus "fixing" them for the contract. 3. Have script.plist set a f...
by Roberto
Sun Mar 16, 2008 8:19 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Just when I thought I was out...
Replies: 159
Views: 59027

OK, I have two things left to do. The first of these may be fairly easy or frustratingly difficult - I don't know yet. Basically, I want players to be randomly offered Taranis-related delivery jobs in Lerelace and the surrounding systems. Nothing fancy - just "deliver item X to location Y withi...
by Roberto
Sun Mar 16, 2008 7:57 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Just when I thought I was out...
Replies: 159
Views: 59027

I tried the "mission_" thing first... and that makes it work :) Serves me right for omitting it in the first place. Thanks Kaks!
by Roberto
Sun Mar 16, 2008 5:19 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Just when I thought I was out...
Replies: 159
Views: 59027

Argh! It *still* doesn't work. Even when I up the number of options to 100, meaning there should be a 100% chance of the frigate appearing, it doesn't appear (and I've tried exiting/re-entering the system and resaving). What the hell? *EDIT* Stupid question perhaps, but d100_number does generate val...
by Roberto
Sun Mar 16, 2008 3:32 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Just when I thought I was out...
Replies: 159
Views: 59027

Kaks, I've now got this, but Terminal doesn't like it: { "0 141" = { "description" = "This planet is a dull place. The headquarters of shipbuilder Taranis Corp is in high orbit above it."; "station" = "taranis_sysstation"; "script_actions" ...
by Roberto
Sun Mar 16, 2008 11:06 am
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: AI message fun
Replies: 4
Views: 5187

That will screw my new AIs, though :( How else could I (or anyone) give a ship different instructions if it's not in its "home system"?

Even if the names are left as they are, as long as this is documented on the Wiki, I think it'll be OK.
by Roberto
Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:29 am
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: AI message fun
Replies: 4
Views: 5187

I've found "EXITED WITCHSPACE" useful for giving a ship instructions which should only apply when it's emerged from witchspace (not when it's just been added to a system), so I'd like to retain the distinction. Maybe the other message should be something like "JUST ADDED", though...
by Roberto
Sun Mar 16, 2008 12:28 am
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Just when I thought I was out...
Replies: 159
Views: 59027

*Sobs quietly* But shouldn't it do a new roll every time I enter the system? In any case, descriptions.plist is failing to generate randomness. OK, I've put (most of) planetinfo into OpenStep format now... { conditions = ("galaxy_number equal 0", "planet_number equal 141"); do = ...
by Roberto
Sat Mar 15, 2008 10:58 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Just when I thought I was out...
Replies: 159
Views: 59027

Thanks LB - I'll give that a try.

*EDIT* Well, it works... except that it always seems to select the first set of coordinates. Like, five or six times in a row.
by Roberto
Sat Mar 15, 2008 10:07 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Just when I thought I was out...
Replies: 159
Views: 59027

I've left it as XML (though I've used OpenStep elsewhere), because I just want to get this done now. And it's still not working... :( <string>checkForShips: taranis_frigate</string> <dict> <key>conditions</key> <array> <string>shipsFound_number lessthan 1</string> </array> <key>do</key> <array> <str...
by Roberto
Sat Mar 15, 2008 5:34 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Just when I thought I was out...
Replies: 159
Views: 59027

Thanks Ahruman.
by Roberto
Sat Mar 15, 2008 5:08 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Just when I thought I was out...
Replies: 159
Views: 59027

If it's reading it only once per system, presumably I don't need to reset at the end, right? Here's what I'm about to test (I'm still unsure as to whether there should be some more <dict>s in there): <string>checkForShips: taranis_frigate</string> <dict> <key>conditions</key> <array> <string>shipsFo...