Search found 22 matches
- Fri Nov 10, 2023 1:56 am
- Forum: Discussion
- Topic: New splash screen and icon
- Replies: 153
- Views: 24596
Re: New splash screen and icon
All fanstastic work! I wish I had something that spectacular for Obelite (the WebGPU Port)
- Wed Nov 08, 2023 2:54 am
- Forum: Porting to other platforms
- Topic: WebGPU Reboot
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1457
WebGPU Reboot
After lots of encouragement and support in the WebGL topic, I have decided to begin porting my efforts to WebGPU. I will also be setting up a domain name and dedicated server to handle some of the back-end logic. Front end code will be pure ES6+ JS and back-end will be in pure Node.js. Data, by and ...
- Wed Nov 08, 2023 2:40 am
- Forum: Porting to other platforms
- Topic: WebGL effort
- Replies: 112
- Views: 131695
Re: WebGL effort
Well, I am back after several months of working virtually every hour for a gaming studio that taught me a lot. When I put Obelite on hold, I was running into some planet generation issues, and some WebGL rendering oddness that was puzzling. WebGPU looked like a good solution, for some of these issue...
- Mon Aug 07, 2023 2:16 am
- Forum: Porting to other platforms
- Topic: WebGL effort
- Replies: 112
- Views: 131695
Re: WebGL effort
Sorry my day job has become a day, night and weekend job!! I hope that will end in a week or two more and I can get back to this.
- Wed May 03, 2023 1:14 pm
- Forum: Porting to other platforms
- Topic: WebGL effort
- Replies: 112
- Views: 131695
Re: WebGL effort
I'll install waterfox and play with it a little, but because it's a non-mainstream browser, chances are it's behind the curve on W3C compliance. I'm targeting the "big four" Chrome, Edge, Safari, and Firefox, because: 1. They have the funding to stay standards compliant and have all the la...
- Sun Apr 30, 2023 1:37 pm
- Forum: Porting to other platforms
- Topic: WebGL effort
- Replies: 112
- Views: 131695
Re: WebGL effort
The commodities yaml is tiny compared to a ship mesh, and should load quickly (and in one go).
What system had you selected?
What browser/version were you using when you experienced the issue?
Are you able to F12 to open the debugger, go to 'console' and see if an error message is present?
What system had you selected?
What browser/version were you using when you experienced the issue?
Are you able to F12 to open the debugger, go to 'console' and see if an error message is present?
- Sun Apr 30, 2023 7:18 am
- Forum: Porting to other platforms
- Topic: WebGL effort
- Replies: 112
- Views: 131695
Re: WebGL effort
Thanks! Just made another update. The star chart should be fixed on Firefox. Shame on them for disabling the offscreen canvas by default! I had to polyfill, which I said I wasn't going to do. Ah well, never say never. Station docks are now aligned, and the stations rotate more authentically. Wonderi...
- Fri Apr 28, 2023 9:50 am
- Forum: Porting to other platforms
- Topic: WebGL effort
- Replies: 112
- Views: 131695
Re: WebGL effort

..stations not quite there, but much better!
- Sat Apr 22, 2023 1:10 pm
- Forum: Porting to other platforms
- Topic: WebGL effort
- Replies: 112
- Views: 131695
Re: WebGL effort
Thanks for testing, Cholmondley, Mostly, I am testing on Chrome until I am further along and have proven the browser is capable of the performance needed for flight mode + combat. For Safari, idky the same link would come up blank, unless there's a JS error somewhere. if you get time, try https://0b...
- Thu Apr 20, 2023 12:18 pm
- Forum: Porting to other platforms
- Topic: WebGL effort
- Replies: 112
- Views: 131695
- Wed Apr 19, 2023 12:53 pm
- Forum: Porting to other platforms
- Topic: WebGL effort
- Replies: 112
- Views: 131695
Re: WebGL effort
I was finally able to make some headway - got the commodities screen working. For the time being, you can get to it (for any system) from the Galactic Chart: As always...
- Wed Apr 05, 2023 12:55 pm
- Forum: Porting to other platforms
- Topic: WebGL effort
- Replies: 112
- Views: 131695
Re: WebGL effort
Very encouraging! Timer: the ZX80, I remember it fondly. Ah, for the days of the 8-bit micro! One of the reasons I'm looking at the web approach is because it's cross-platform right away. Once I'd fixed my WebGL buffers, my Obelite POC ran on my Windows PC (Ege, FF, Chrome), on my new Mac, and my An...
- Mon Apr 03, 2023 1:03 pm
- Forum: Porting to other platforms
- Topic: WebGL effort
- Replies: 112
- Views: 131695
Re: WebGL effort
Thanks, Timer. I was wondering if it might get more interest if we had a top-level "WebGL Tech Refresh" board, or something like that? I can't say its a "port" - because some features will behave differently, commensurate with technology changes in the past decade, but hopefully,...
- Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:55 am
- Forum: Discussion
- Topic: down?
- Replies: 220
- Views: 57366
Re: down?
It is next to impossible to get domain ownership transferred because of the security implications.
I see that is available. If we register that, how much effort/code has to be changed?
I see that is available. If we register that, how much effort/code has to be changed?
- Sat Mar 25, 2023 10:02 pm
- Forum: Porting to other platforms
- Topic: WebGL effort
- Replies: 112
- Views: 131695
Re: WebGL effort
Finally, I was able to get an arguably passable planet texture generator to work! Oolite purists might be a little perturbed, but I wanted to dabble in procedural terrain generation, as well as gain the speed benefits of rendering th...