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- Sun Jan 02, 2022 8:37 pm
- Forum: Suggestion Box
- Topic: Silent running
- Replies: 30
- Views: 22271
Re: Silent running
How is this to be experienced by a player? It seems to me that one would be jumping along merrily and then at some point masslocked by pirates who would then "come online" and attack. This strikes me as almost identical to the current behaviour in which you are merrily jumping along and ar...
- Tue Dec 28, 2021 10:13 pm
- Forum: Suggestion Box
- Topic: Ship condition
- Replies: 9
- Views: 10906
Re: Ship condition
I dont think a percentage is the right measure, for me its immersion breaking. no one buys a car thats 78% condition, they buy a car that is "a good runner, some scratches on the paintwork" or whatever. Something like "as new", "good", "ok" or "needs wor...
- Wed Dec 22, 2021 4:10 pm
- Forum: Suggestion Box
- Topic: Ship condition
- Replies: 9
- Views: 10906
Re: Ship condition
So what do you think of 1) Ship Version 's "small fixes"? (Norby) 2) Spara's Failing HUD I think the first is something dfferent, its about model numbers or variants not condition. Failing HUD seems like a fun idea. One nice thing is that it reminds you to get a service visually, hopefull...
- Sun Dec 19, 2021 4:20 pm
- Forum: Outworld
- Topic: Science Fiction Trivia
- Replies: 7591
- Views: 2077376
Re: Science Fiction Trivia
Indeed you do!
- Mon Dec 13, 2021 7:34 pm
- Forum: Outworld
- Topic: Science Fiction Trivia
- Replies: 7591
- Views: 2077376
Re: Science Fiction Trivia
Modessit: the initial colonists of Cyador, landing from space, before losing their technology, had coffee (Recluce Saga) James Holden in The Expanse series is a coffee addict. The Stainless Steel Rat is Born.. Harry Harrison several mentions of a large black coffee.. In Ken MacLeod's new novel Beyo...
- Sun Dec 12, 2021 8:08 pm
- Forum: Outworld
- Topic: Science Fiction Trivia
- Replies: 7591
- Views: 2077376
Re: Science Fiction Trivia
Ill take your word for it, thats 1 
4 to go.

4 to go.
- Sun Dec 12, 2021 5:25 pm
- Forum: Outworld
- Topic: Science Fiction Trivia
- Replies: 7591
- Views: 2077376
Re: Science Fiction Trivia
I was thinking about Honor Harrington and her famous preference for hot chocolate rather than coffee, and that lead me to thinking that coffee for one reason or another is mysteriously missing from much scifi. Id like to know of 5 scifi universes in which coffee exists. It doesnt have to be a centra...
- Fri Dec 10, 2021 7:45 pm
- Forum: Outworld
- Topic: Science Fiction Trivia
- Replies: 7591
- Views: 2077376
Re: Science Fiction Trivia
Im having trouble working out which answers have already been given. I guess The Algebraist would do, though describing why probably counts as a spoiler for the book.
- Sun Nov 28, 2021 8:25 pm
- Forum: Discussion
- Topic: Stranger things in Oolite... Or "too difficult at start"
- Replies: 41
- Views: 14130
Re: Stranger things in Oolite... Or "too difficult at start"
What makes BBC proper? Elite was a BBC game writen by Bell and Braben. Other version were re implementations of varying accuracy, for example acording to wiki According to the lead programmer of the 16 bit Amiga/Atari ST and the MSX conversions Rob Nicholson, he did not have access to the source co...
- Fri Nov 26, 2021 4:47 pm
- Forum: Discussion
- Topic: Stranger things in Oolite... Or "too difficult at start"
- Replies: 41
- Views: 14130
Re: Stranger things in Oolite... Or "too difficult at start"
No, at least in the Amiga, it placed more enemies per encounter as you increased in reputation. It was literally a difficulty increase modifier I did play the amiga versiona few times but mostly PC and amstrad and Im pretty sure that wasnt true then. FWIW the amiga version was significantly differe...
- Thu Nov 25, 2021 2:25 pm
- Forum: Discussion
- Topic: Stranger things in Oolite... Or "too difficult at start"
- Replies: 41
- Views: 14130
Re: Stranger things in Oolite... Or "too difficult at start"
ELITE always had increased levels of difficulty depending on your level Is this really true? I dont remember it getting harder, if anything the extra equipment you tend to acquire made made it gradually easier. Even the missions were for the most part more about getting you to do new things rather ...
- Tue Nov 23, 2021 12:58 pm
- Forum: Suggestion Box
- Topic: Ship condition
- Replies: 9
- Views: 10906
Re: Ship condition
I dont think a percentage is the right measure, for me its immersion breaking. no one buys a car thats 78% condition, they buy a car that is "a good runner, some scratches on the paintwork" or whatever. Something like "as new", "good", "ok" or "needs work...
- Thu Sep 09, 2021 3:54 pm
- Forum: Discussion
- Topic: Pre-flight checks
- Replies: 8
- Views: 5573
Re: Pre-flight checks
I would hope that the vast majority of the paperwork could be computerised (such as it is for my fobile moan). Since we are talking about the far future, we can invent, indulge in handwavium, and most importantly make things less onerous. Im pretty sure almost all of it can be automated now, but it...
- Sun Sep 05, 2021 8:20 pm
- Forum: Discussion
- Topic: Pre-flight checks
- Replies: 8
- Views: 5573
Re: Pre-flight checks
Are you asking what would make sense for a real spaceship, or what would be fun for a game? There are all the things needed for a cessna, plus a load of checking we are airtight, plus a whole load of stuff for the weaponary and defenses, plus all the trade related paperwork (taxes, export certificat...
- Fri Sep 03, 2021 6:44 pm
- Forum: Discussion
- Topic: Law: Legal Consequences
- Replies: 23
- Views: 10735
Re: Law: Legal Consequences
Sorry - I was unclear. I was trying to sum up the situation in the Vanilla game. This hopefully might spur one or two people on to experiment. In that case you are worrying about thnigs which you dont need to. There is only ever one station, there is no such thing as a local police force and there ...