Search found 5 matches

by Cmdr. Eisenesel
Fri Mar 09, 2007 5:25 am
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Location of OXP's
Replies: 12
Views: 6151

Might as well go wiki. I found the links to Oosat there to start with. I'll pile on that the main point should be whatever is easiest to update and maintain will usually work the best...
by Cmdr. Eisenesel
Fri Mar 09, 2007 4:54 am
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Best screenshots
Replies: 30
Views: 14152

This one is my favorite screenshot I've managed to get so far....


And a not quite as good pic featuring current HUD...

by Cmdr. Eisenesel
Fri Mar 09, 2007 4:36 am
Forum: Discussion
Replies: 150
Views: 90479

What are you trying to achieve here? Oolite is a space combat game where the markets exist simply to allow you to get money to buy goodies. that ALL. you seem to want to code a full-on simulation of the stock market. Sorry, but who cares? the whole point of Elite's not-knowing-prices was that it ad...
by Cmdr. Eisenesel
Fri Feb 02, 2007 4:23 am
Forum: Discussion
Topic: The Thargoids are invading
Replies: 36
Views: 16601

devilhunter wrote:
I have yet to see a Thargoid :(
I've had more fuel leaks than Thargoid run-ins... :P
Don't worry, they are out there.
by Cmdr. Eisenesel
Thu Feb 01, 2007 7:58 pm
Forum: Discussion
Topic: And Yet Another First Post...
Replies: 1
Views: 1962

And Yet Another First Post...

Hi Everybody So I found Oolite whilst browsing apple's site around 6 months ago. The whole package is great, and I'm running about a dozen OXP's. I used a Josher to build up a nice bank, then went for a SuperCobra which got me thru the Constrictor. Of course, that was traded in as soon as I found on...